Parker Elementary PTO
A note from the PTO Board:
Dear Parker Families,
Welcome to our 2022 - 2023 school year, starting on Wednesday September 7th! We are excited to work with our Parker Community this year, in bringing back all our events/activities and more!!
The Parker PTO Board: Beth, Elizabeth, Su & Carlene
Welcome to the website for the Parker Elementary PTO, where many hands make light work!
We're so glad you're here be a part of all the activities, programs, and opportunities in our Parker Community.
Please use the links at the top of the page to learn more about our upcoming events, meetings, and ways you can get involved.
Three FREE ways YOU can raise money for our kids:
Support our school at AmazonSmile!
Go to and when you make purchases, Amazon donates to Parker Elementary PTO!
Clip those Box Tops for Education!
Look for the Box Tops for Education Bonus App! Scan your receipts and earn even more FREE money for our school!
Send in Coke Rewards Codes!
You enter the codes found inside the caps or packages of Coke products, the Parker School gets $0.05 - $0.38 for each code! Find the value of your code here and ENTER YOUR CODES for the Parker School HERE.
The Parker Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to create a close relationship between parents, teachers, and administrators with the intent of securing for each student their maximum potential in all aspects of school life.
We promote these objectives through education and social programs and enhance the education of students thought the planning and executing fundraising events as well as academic and social activities throughout the school year.