
P4P members work hard to increase seismic safety in schools. We hope to see this work done in all schools everywhere in earthquake country. We're working to increase awareness of the issues at the state and local level.


Oregon School Board Association

P4P presented at the 2019 Oregon School Board Association Conference. We encourage board members to play a more active role in resilience building by creating a culture of preparedness in their districts and advocating at the state level. View the presentation slides.

Oregon Legislature

P4P had high hopes for two bills (HB 2229 and HB 2558) that were introduced in Salem in 2019. They did not pass, but we hope to see similar bills again next session.


In March 2018, P4P leaders testified in front of the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission (OSSPAC). In September 2018, OSSPAC released a report for the Governor on mass care and mass displacement after a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. Several of P4P's positions were included in the report. Read P4P's full testimony, as well as the OSSPAC Report.

Portland public Schools

P4P works collaboratively with Portland Public Schools. We recognize that PPS is grappling with severe financial and time constraints. Our group looks for creative ways to support the district within those constraints.

October 2019

P4P Co-Chair Laura Hall and former Co-Chair Holly Cook testified in front of the PPS School Board, asking them to help get a paper preparedness flyer out to all PPS families. Relevant footage starts at time stamp 36:55:00. Read the full script.

May 2019

P4P Co-Chair Laura Hall testified in front of the PPS School Board, inviting them to explore P4P's creative solutions for increasing seismic safety for all PPS students and staff. Relevant footage starts at time stamp 44:44:00. Read the full script.