Online Community

Wherever your school is in the preparedness process, we hope that you can work with P4P and its members to further your efforts. We welcome you to engage in any way that you find useful. “Joining” is free. There are no obligations whatsoever.

Online Community


We welcome your participation in our online forum, even if you’re unable to attend our in-person meetings. We use to communicate and share documents. You can control your settings so you receive as much or as little email as you’d like. But we recommend staying subscribed so you don’t miss important updates. Usually there isn’t too much “chatter.” To get started, complete our Basecamp Access Request Form.

Advocacy List

Regardless of your desire to participate in P4P's Basecamp or in-person community, we ask that you consider signing up for our Advocacy List. Occasionally we want to make a statement about school preparedness. Sign a petition, attend a school board meeting, rally in Salem, etc. If you'd like to be contacted receive advocacy calls to action, email us at

You can also follow us on Facebook. We use it for sharing interesting articles, events, etc. To really engage with our group and get updates about our in-person meetings, we recommend you join us on Basecamp.