

我們不妨將書籍空間中的正文,視為第一層「意義生發」的過程。由此向外延伸,序跋、凡例、評點、插圖、作者肖像等界定書籍性質與讀法的內部組件(即Gérard Genette 所稱之「周邊文本」peritext),是為第二層。文化社群、書信、關涉特定書籍與出版活動的圖文(Gérard Genette 所稱之「外部文本」epitext),則在書籍之外形成第三層言說空間。三者內外彼此影響,相關議論、閱讀反應又促成重編、改版、新刻等各式書寫與出版活動,同時與書籍寫作生產背後的歷史脈絡、社會氛圍與文化心態密切互動。

如此,正文、涵納正文周邊文本的書籍整體,到之後的閱讀社群接受,形成至少三重「意義構築」的空間,當中作者、書坊主、編輯、改寫、評點、圖像製作者及各類讀者,在書頁內外表述言說,共同參與書籍意涵的形塑與重構。副文本 (paratext) 的外緣性,由邊緣勾畫疆界,界定體系,其建構、擾動、翻新閱讀的力量,尤值深探。在正文及其周邊副文本之間,罅隙恆存,容許變化包裝,隱含豐富詮釋可能:書籍中的周邊文本,如何自我定位,營造給予讀者的第一印象?這些周邊文本如何提供閱讀指引?其所指引的方向與正文內部提供的詮釋動能,呈現何種關係?是呼應相合,拉鋸競爭,抑或在異論歧見中開出幽蹊別境?


1. 評點語言如何介入詮釋?除了提供解讀,賦予意義,評點首先是一種「聲音」。我們能否討論、分析評點聲音的語氣、音質、調性乃至其所傳遞的「形象」?評點文字如何製造「多音」效果?語氣、混音、喧嘩、靜默如何影響意義的開闔與流動?

2. 形象在閱讀感受、認知的過程中,發揮哪些作用?在此形象可區分為版式符號標記與插圖。從符號標記、線條簡略粗樸的廉價插圖,到精工雅緻的版畫藝術,書卷中的圖像如何影響讀者理解,參與意義的建構?版面的配置,目錄和索引的編排、書頁空間的區隔,透過反黑、反白、套色、圈點對於特定文本內容的強化,這些如何影響閱讀的方式?圖像共時性 (simultaneous) 與文字時序性 (sequential) 傳遞訊息的方式有別,兩者並置於書卷空間中,彼此如何互動,拓寬理解的向度,豐富詮釋的可能?版畫模式的襲仿與創造,背後是否連結閱讀社群的感知結構與變化?在出版場域及書頁空間中,雅俗如何錯雜、辯證、彼此轉化?

此一工作坊希望在過去書籍史以及副文本理論研究的基礎上,進一步邀集同好學人探索書籍作為一種感知媒介,其物質特性在書籍空間與社會場域中,各類文本元素及文化行動者 (cultural agents) 不斷交會碰撞,形構、創發意義的動態過程。書籍的編作者如何調度書籍體式設計,以中介知識、引動情感、滿足慾望、改變讀者的視野與自我認知?倘若我們將承載編寫者文思心念、手藝聲口的文本,視為曾被賦予某個時代社群之「生氣」的主體,而非平板之「物」,那麼書籍、古典時期讀者與現代研究視角彼此間的多維度觀照,可能透顯出哪些過去未得體探的社會文化脈動?當我們對於意義構築與詮釋活動的觀察,在平面文字周邊加入視覺、感官與空間向度,重審感知思維變化的理路,則前現代中國文學與知識媒介的幾番巨變,或許未嘗不能為當代的新媒體革命,提供若干對話與反思的空間?

Texts convey meaning, but their material form is an integral part of that meaning. A book’s “peritextual” components – prefaces, images, fonts, layouts, marginalia, even the paper itself – intensify readers’ aesthetic engagement with the text and condition their understanding of it, changing the way they perceive themselves and the world around them. At the same time, records of engagement with the text by various parties – authors, editors, booksellers, commentators – circulate in the form of “epitexts” – reviews, notices, discussions – that also affect how the text will be understood. We can envisage this as a three-stage process of the construction of meaning, from text itself to the elements immediately surrounding the text to the text’s existence in the world.

How does a text look when viewed from its paratextual margins? How do paratextual elements serve to delimit and establish the text that they surround? How might they impinge upon or disturb a text, or renew it? What can we find in the gaps between text and paratext? To foster discussion of these questions, this workshop invites papers on the two specific themes:

1. How does commentary impact the reader’s experience of the text? Commentary provides glosses and interpretations, but it also speaks to us as a voice, affecting us with its tone, its quality, and the image it creates, sustaining a polyvocal interaction with the main text.

2. Printer’s marks, type and layout, punctuation, tables and indexes, underlining and other means of emphasis – from these basic visual elements up to illustrations proper – be they rudimentary drawings or artistically sublime woodblock prints – imagery has a strong effect on the reader’s experience. In contrast to written messages, which is constituted sequentially, images deliver an immediate, simultaneous impact. When they appear together on the page, an interactivity takes shape, opening up or “unfolding” new horizons of interpretation.



重點研究計畫 (2021-2023)

計 畫 名 稱書頁邊緣:中國書籍史與文本政治


中央研究院中國文哲研究所 古典文學研究室
Classical Chinese Literature Research Unit

TEL +886(2)2789-5757
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Email cclit@gate.sinica.edu.tw