Common Questions




What's the weather like in Palau?

Palau boasts a tropical paradise with warm temperatures year-round, ranging from 24–32℃ / 75–89℉. The dry season spans November to April, while the slightly wetter months are July to October. Remarkably, Palau's equatorial location keeps typhoons and prolonged rain at bay, ensuring sunny adventures.

What currencies and cards work in Palau?

Palau deals in US Dollars, and you can swipe Visa and Mastercard in hotels, restaurants, shops, and the airport. Just double-check with your bank before jetting off. It's handy to keep some cash for local markets and smaller buys.

FYI, American Express isn't the go-to card here.

When is Palau's peak tourist season?

December to January marks Palau's peak tourist season, drawing in the highest number of visitors.

What languages are spoken in Palau?

Palauan and English make up the chat scene. Don't sweat it – English will work like a charm during your visit.

Flights and VISA

What do I need for a Palau visit?

Getting into Palau is a breeze! You'll snag a 30-day Tourist Visa at the airport, and it can be extended twice for $50 each time, maxing at 90 days. If you're from the US, Federated States of Micronesia, or a few others, you're golden for a year. For pals from Myanmar and Bangladesh, pre-approval's key.

Updated info about entering Palau can be found here:

What's the scoop on the COVID vaccine?

Having the COVID-19 vaccine is a must. Make sure you're fully vaccinated before flying.

What about passports?

Keep your passport excited – it should be valid for 6 months from your exit date from Palau. And, don't forget at least 3 blank pages for stamping!

Anything special for vaccine?

Fully vaxxed? Great! Keep your proof of vaccination handy.

What if I'm from Myanmar or Bangladesh?

If you're from Myanmar or Bangladesh, sort out a pre-approved visa before coming over.

Remember, the rules might shimmy, so it's wise to check the Palau Bureau of Immigration for the latest deets.

For Diving

What should I pack in my dive bag?

Get ready for some underwater action! Don't forget these:

Must-haves: Passport, dive certification cards, medical clearance (if needed), dive insurance proof.

Dive gear: BCD, regulator, mask, fins, wetsuit, hood, torch, dive computer, reef hook, SMB.

Special items: Meds, reef-friendly sunscreen, shades, chargers, cash, hat, memory cards.

Gear for rent: We've got you covered with rental options onboard. Just let us know in advance.

Remember, every diver needs a dive computer and SMB. Dive safely and smoothly in Palau's waters!

Do I need to buy diving insurance? 

We recommend having it, especially for diving activities. While not included in tour prices, basic travel insurance covering activities and emergencies is a smart choice. We'll also ask for your emergency contact and insurer details, ensuring your safety.

What diving experience level should I have for Palau? 

Our dive sites cater to all levels, but to fully explore the diverse sites, we suggest having a minimum of 20 logged dives and ideally being an Advanced Open Water Diver.

What if I haven't dived in a while? 

No problem! If you've been out of the water for over 2 years with limited dives, consider a Refresher course. You can even do it with Joe, our experienced instructor, on your first day. Just bring your log book.

Can I get 15-L tanks? 

Absolutely! Just let us know when you make your reservation. Keep in mind there's an additional cost, details can be found in our Rates.

Can I use Nitrox tanks?

Yes, we offer Enriched Air Nitrox. Certified divers enjoy Nitrox for free. If you're not certified, you can even take a Nitrox specialty course with us.

What type of valves are on the tank? 

No worries! All our tanks have universal fittings that work with both DIN and Yoke regulators. It's designed for your convenience during setup.

Any Other Business

Where to stay in Palau?

Most of the fantastic hotels are centered in Koror, the bustling hub of action – from dining and banking to thrilling activities and tours. And guess what? Koror is delightfully compact, making it a breeze to zip from one end to the other in just 10 minutes. If you're exploring beyond Koror, don't fret! Some hotels and cozy homestays are scattered across Babeldaob, the Big Island. Since public transport is basically non-existent, many tour operators offer a fantastic free shuttle service on tour days. And for the explorer in you, renting a car lets you chart your own course. If you are looking for budget-friendly options, the rise of homestays and AirBnBs across Palau adds an authentic touch, although remember they're typically nestled in charming villages and hence pretty basic.

Can you help us with booking our stay in Palau?

Absolutely! We collaborate closely with several partner hotels to provide lodging options for our guests in Palau. We'll be happy to make the arrangements for you. It's important to keep in mind that hotel reservations usually require full prepayment and come with their own cancellation policies, which might even cover the entire stay cost.

Can you take both divers and snorkelers in our group?

If some of you prefer snorkeling, that's absolutely fine! Non-divers can enjoy snorkeling in areas around the dive site, under the watchful eye of a snorkel guide as mandated by Palau's regulations. We can arrange for both a snorkel guide and a diving guide for an extra fee, ensuring everyone has a fantastic time. Simply let us know when you make your reservation.

I have special dietary requirements. Will this be a problem?

No problem! Let us know your requirements when you book. Our chef's got you covered. Being on a remote island like Palau might limit some options, so feel free to bring along special items if needed.

Will there be phone and internet signal in Palau?

While remote areas might have limited networks, you can grab a SIM card at the airport or stores for Palau use. Stay tuned in and enjoy the journey!

What's the tipping practice like in Palau?

Our team's dedicated to your comfort. It's common to offer 10-15% gratuity, but the choice is yours. Cash is preferred and shared among the crew. Your appreciation means a lot!

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