
The macaron is an obsession that people share around the world, particularly in America. But first things first, why people are obsessed with it? What it macaron? It is a small sandwich like cookie which is traditionally made with meringue and almond flour. Usually, different types of fillings are used to made macarons in different flavors such as ganache, jam, or buttercream. These filings are responsible for the most flavors. People around the world are obsessed with how they taste and how they look. It will not be wrong to say that people are falling in love with them more and more with every passing day.


There are two main methods one is called Italian meringue, and another is French meringue. When the Italian method is followed, the meringue is cooked with sugar syrup. Italian method is considered more stable but involves too many methods. On the other hand, the French way of making macarons doesn't the many steps, and the meringue used is uncooked. The French method is the most followed and loved way of making macarons worldwide.

Macarons are chewy, tasty, crunchy, malty, elegant looking all at once. This delightful dessert is a perfect successor to cupcakes and is widely used in weddings, birthdays, bridal showers, baby showers, and other occasions. Macarons lovers describe it as a single-bite delicacy packed with pure ecstasy. Where macaron fans love to have them in different colors and flavors, they also want them to be presented in beautiful packaging.

5 Reasons Why French Macarons are loved So Much

Many years ago, cupcakes were introduced as desirable desserts. You might remember a few popular shops such as Magnolia Bakery, Sprinkles, and Georgetown Cupcake which also became famous household names. Cupcakes were ruling the bakery world for years. People loved enjoying them with colorful swirls of frosting, syrups, sprinkles, and other decorations. Many of us grew up enjoying cakes and cupcakes in different flavors and toppings. But the craze of cupcakes and cakes seem to fade away. Now, the macarons are a new player in the town. Here are a few reasons why French macarons are loved so much.

They Look Elegant

Probably the main reason why people love them so much is because of their looks. In every way they are more appealing and tempting as compared to cupcakes. They look alluring and beautiful with those two crusty and perfectly shaped meringue layers that are filled with different types of fillings. The smooth yet crusty texture is made of almond flour and sugar which appeal to customers more.

Macarons are Gluten-Free

Many people avoid eating stuff that has gluten in them. Other desserts such as pastries contain gluten in them whereas macarons they are free from gluten. Some people are allergic to gluten-based products, which is why most people skew more towards baked items that are free from gluten and undoubtedly, macarons are one of them.

They Come in Exquisite Packaging

Customers want more than just perfect macarons. They want them to be packed in beautiful packaging. Therefore, packaging manufacturers have come up with custom macaron packaging solution to satisfy customer’s needs. Custom packaging solution allows bakery owners to manufacture packaging in their desired color, size, style, design, and print. Customers are always attracted to packaging that is unique and creative as compared to standard and dull packaging. It is the reason why bakery owners have become so much conscious when it comes manufacturing packaging. They know for a fact that packaging is the key element of attracting customers and generating sales. More customers mean more business. Customers are even ready to spend extra money on having these tasty delights in packaging that is as tempting as macarons.

Macarons Make Special Occasions more Special

You must be familiar with the fact that macarons make the perfect dessert at any event. People love to have them at baby showers, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Why? Because they can bring that yumminess to any event. Not only this, macarons are widely used to give as a gift on someone's birthday. They are even packed in beautiful favor boxes at weddings for giving them to guests as a thanksgiving gesture.

They Come In a Variety of Flavors

Macarons are famous because of their looks we all know, but most do not know is that they are available in a number of flavors. The most famous flavors are peanut butter and jelly, mint chocolate chip, snickers, pistachio, peach champagne, candy corn, strawberry cheesecake, salted pretzel, oatmeal raisin, chocolate peanut butter, candy cane, maple bacon, cinnamon, salted caramel popcorn, and pumpkin.

Sum up

Undoubtedly, macarons have replaced cakes and cupcakes to some extent. People seem to love them more than any other dessert. Maybe because of the flavors or of the looks they are getting popular day by day. What we can do is to pack them in trendy macaron boxes, eat them and love them!