CBD Packaging

Right from the beginning, you have spent a lot of time and money into choosing the strain you want to grow. You have invested in buying all the necessary equipment and must have spent uncountable hours prepping, farming, and nurturing. After that, when the plants were ready, they were harvested and then you stared manufacturing CBD products. Do you want the effort to go all in vain? I am sure. Therefore, when you present your product in the market, you need to make sure they are packed in attractive and well-designed packaging. This way, you can communicate your brand to the customer and tell them what you have to offer most effectively. CBD product packaging is that primary element that will determine whether you will sell your products to potential customers or not. However, while designing packaging, you have to consider a lot of factors to ensure that you create packaging that fulfill all its purposes. To learn how you can do this, continue reading!

1. Classify Your Product

One of the many determinants of your CBD packaging design is whether the product is classified as food or a supplement. Classifying your product might sound like an easy thing to do, but it is not as easy you think it is. You must be well aware that now CBD products come in different varieties such as oils, edibles, gels, drinks, and capsules, and many more. When it comes to food and beverages that contain CBD, the labeling regulations would be different than the other type of products that come infused with CBD.

Brands that make food and drinks containing CBD has to follow the rules outlined by the FDA Food Labeling Guide. Similarly, if the product is categorized as a supplement, the while designing and labeling packaging, you’ll have to follow guidelines stated by the FDA labeling regulations for dietary supplements. However, no matter what you classify your product as, according to CBD labeling regulations, you must articulate what is in the product.

2. Elements to Include

After you are done with defining your product in the eye of the FDA, now you need to include several concrete details in your CBD packaging design. First and foremost, you need to mention the identity statement. This will tell your consumers what precisely the product is. Secondly, like most products, you should specify the net quantity of contents statement.

Other things that your CBD packaging design must include are a list of ingredients in descending order, nutrition, and responsibility statement. Not to forget, you’ll also need to mention the potency or amount of the CBD ingredients in your product

3. The Psychology of Color

You cannot deny that colors say a lot about your brand, which can represent the individuals purchasing your products. If you succeed in choosing the right colors for your CBD product packaging, then you are more likely to experience an upsurge in the sales and your business. Most people buy stuff they need, while others purchase a lot of things they like and get attracted to. Generally, when customers buy products outside of the necessities, they are buying it with emotion. Does this product help them achieve their desired skin? Does it make them the best version of themselves?

In CBD packaging design, the color you choose will act as a critical function that grabs the attention of your potential customers. It is the way for you to communicate what your product is all about. Most of the times, customers purchase products due to the colors. It is because they can connect with the packaging. For example, white represents pure, clean, and minimalistic. Similarly, green signifies fresh, environmental, and finance. Therefore, by playing with the right colors, you can make customers buy your products.

4. Know Your Position in the Market

Is your CBD product a want or a need? Is it your goal to offer the best product or prices? Depending on which question you answered, your CBD product packaging will reflect your brand’s message. If your product is of the finest quality and customers are paying for that, then you should give them the best experience even they feel the product for the first time (opening the packaging.

Similarly, if your product is one of the most price competitive ones, you can use cost-effective CBD packaging. Conversely, if your strain is one of the most popular or rare in the cannabis industry, you can build faithful consumers that advocate for your product by reassuring them that they made the right decision.

5. What are Your Packaging Adjectives?

Your CBD packaging design should reflect who you are as a brand. If you can think of three main adjectives to describe your company, what would they be? Let’s say you three packaging adjectives are unique, luxurious, and eco-friendly. Now the question is how to apply them?

By using thick cardboard material and raised foil while creating custom CBD packaging, you can convey the luxurious feel. Keep the design unique that has never been seen in the market. Lastly, consider choosing the sustainable packaging material, and cardboard is a great option.

6. Strategic Use of Foil and Varnish

According to the study, more than 70% of customers are interested in purchasing foil-enhanced products. Moreover, 26.7% of customers prefer to choose a foil-stamped product over plain packaging. If foil-stamping is not suitable for your brand, then you can choose another embellishment option which is raised varnish. It has the ability to be layered, giving it a comprehensive range of textured printing capabilities. By using MGI printing for raised foil and varnish, you can make sure that packaging is recyclable.