Installing a Raised License Plate Frame

Raised License Plate Frame is a very popular choice among auto owners and enthusiasts alike for its innovative design and versatile functionality. Rather than having the usual rectangular-shaped standard license plate placed in place, this style makes use of a raised steel edge that sits above the vehicle's roof line. This raised steel edge forms an integral part of Raised License Plate Frame that can be locked in place or left unadorned. This gives this frame style a neat and tidy appearance, while also adding to the vehicle's safety features. For added functionality, you can opt to replace the raised steel edge with a license plate shield that fits snugly on the raised steel frame below it.

One great way to use a Raised License Plate Frame is to create a customized license plate frame for any vehicle you may own. This is a great way to showcase your vehicle without having to worry about getting the right measurements and shapes right. You can have a great looking piece of custom design etched onto the front of your vehicle and still be able to legally drive it legally in your state.

To create a Raised License Plate Frame, start out by measuring the width, height, and length of your vehicle from the ground up. Be sure to include the clearance of your vehicle from on top of your car to the ground. This measurement will help you determine how high your frame can be raised. The height can also be adjusted if need be, but it is usually at the discretion of the owner.

Once you have your measurements complete, find the following pieces of equipment to make this project easy and simple. Since you are going to mount the Raised License Plate Frame on the roof of your vehicle, you will need a jack for raising your vehicle off the ground. You will also need to find some strong spot on the ground that will work as your foundation. After you have your platform or foundation chosen, begin your installation by securing the framework to the ground using bolts. Then, begin installing the plates one at a time so that you do not put stress on any one particular plate.

After you have all of your hardware installed and the framework secured, you will want to line the plates up according to the order that they are to be placed when you raise your Raised License Plate Frame. You should make certain that each of your plates is the same size and weight so that none of them will be accidentally bumped into. If they are different, the odds are good that one of them will be bumped into during your installation process. If you are using the framework that was made utilizing a tag outline, you will simply line up all of your new plates according to the outline that you made.

Now that your framework is installed, you will want to start installing the actual plates onto your framework. You should first place your framework on the ground and then install the framework poles on top of it. Next, you should place the plates onto the poles, using your framing as a guide so that your new license plates will be level and evenly spaced from each other. Now, you should fasten all of your newly added plates onto the framework. Fasten them using the screws that were provided with your frames.

Once you have all of your new framework plates attached, you will want to secure them together with the screws that were provided with your frame. When you have the frame in place, you will want to begin drilling the holes for your license plates onto the framework. The last step is to screw on the license plates onto the frames. You should ensure that they are evenly spaced from each other according to their actual position on your frame. If you have trouble mounting your frame correctly, you can hire someone to help you out. You can also purchase a step guide to help you mount your frames properly.

Installing a License Plate Frame is not hard to do but it does require that you purchase new frames from a reputable dealer. These dealers will give you advice on what size frames to get and whether or not to get colored frames. Once you have purchased your new frames from a reputable dealer, you will be ready to begin installing. Installing your own frame can be a great way to make your own license plate look better and to save money by cutting down on the cost of getting a new frame every year.