How to Make Custom Oil Change Stickers

Customized oil change stickers are an excellent way to promote your business. You can make them yourself, or pay someone to do it for you. Either way, you can guarantee that they will get the attention of people, and get the job done. Here's how:

o Look for a company that specializes in customized oil change stickers . There are dozens out there but only a few that specialize in what you need. Make sure they have a good reputation. There's nothing worse than getting your advertisement in the junk mail, or having it return to you without having been printed or shipped to you at all.

o Explain what you want and explain why your company needs it. Explain where your equipment goes when you are changing the oil in your car, what safety measures you take when servicing, what equipment you use to service the oil etc. Make sure you provide your contact information. This way, if someone calls with questions or concerns, you can always answer them.

o Think about the most common questions you hear about oil changes. There are probably some questions related to oil changes that you will be able to answer with great ease. Don't try to be all things to all people.

o Think about how you want your customized oil change stickers to look. Make sure you have a clear, easy-to-read font. Get a reasonable size, so that they are effective, and don't end up looking like a flyer. If possible, choose a color that is eye-catching and will help get people's attention.

o Include your phone number. Some people think that just picking up their phone will help them to know you. That's not necessarily true. Make sure you have a physical address, even if you only use the phone for messages. That will let them know that you are an actual business and not a junk-mail or mystery shop. Plus, a physical address will let them call you if they have any questions during the course of your oil change service.

o Think about the overall design of the oil change stickers. It's best to stick with a basic shape, like an oval, since that will be easily recognized. You can also use a basic, short text message on the back, but make sure it's short enough to fit in the allotted space on the sticker. Nothing too long or complicated. Keep your messages as short and simple as possible, especially if you're going for a younger crowd. They'll appreciate it more.

Oil change stickers aren't the only types of advertising materials that you can use. Consider some other options like bumper stickers, posters, flyers, and signs that you can place on the outside of your car. You can also make signs that you can stick to the side of your pickup truck or on the roof of your car, if you like.

Custom stickers are cheap and they can be fun to make. Even if you don't put together a full design yourself, there are plenty of websites that you can print stickers from that offer templates and designs free of charge. With most of these online stores, you'll be able to choose from various sizes and colors of stickers. So you can work on a custom sticker for any vehicle.

o Make your own oil change stickers. There are plenty of examples on the internet for you to work from. All you need is a basic picture editing program, printing supplies such as ink and paper, and the required design tools. With a computer and printer, you'll be able to create an original sticker in no time at all. You might want to consider using some type of sticker board to keep your creation intact.

o Use regular-sized stickers instead of stickers that are tape-fit. If you're going to be putting them on cars that won't fit standard sizes, then make sure that you leave a space in the dimensions. Oil change stickers aren't typically too large, but they should leave enough space for writing and a fairly large outline. Otherwise, your sticker will appear distorted.

o Think out loud before you make your purchase. Have you ever noticed that many oil change stickers end up with directions and information that's hard to understand? Making your purchase online will be easier if you make a mental note of what it is you need. After you've made your decision, go to a local sticker shop and pick out your oil change sticker. Most places will be happy to accommodate your needs and they'll be able to match your order with ease.