Designed to look like teardrops, these flags advertise

Your company's logo, slogan, or message can be displayed effectively with custom banner Teardrop flags regardless of the weather. The flags never flap in the wind even though they are sturdy.

There are multiple styles and sizes to choose from

Printed Teardrop Flags display an eye-catching design so they can be easily seen by potential clients, customers, and visitors. Additionally, they are available in a variety of sizes and styles. You can use any flag both inside and outside, no matter which you choose.

The use of teardrop signs as a marketing tool can attract people's attention to trade shows, storefronts, events, etc.

You can choose from two different banner styles

Every aspect of the teardrop banner can be customized. Multi-size and multi-base flags are also available, as well as single- and double-sided flags.

Teardrop Flags with single-sided displays

Banners that are printed on one side are reversed on the other.

Flags that display on both sides of a teardrop

Double-sided banner flags have the same message on both sides. You can read it from either side. In order to create this flag design, you print two teardrop shapes, stitch them together, and stitch another panel between them. With the addition of the additional panel, the other side of the flag cannot see a printed side of the flag.

Assembles easily

Assembling teardrop banners can be difficult with idle hands. While Australian Flag Makers assembles your teardrop banner, you can focus on your business or event. Banners for Teardrops Flags, bases, and poles can all be interchanged, so the flags are not only easy to put together but also fast. We will print your new design, if you require one, as soon as you place your order. The purchase of another pole is not necessary!

Get started by ordering a single pole set. Afterward, you can purchase as many teardrop flags as you want!

Styles of flags that can be interchanged

What are your preferences for flag design? The feather banners are interchangeable with our teardrop flags although they are different from them.

Whenever you need a flag that has straight lines, consider a rectangular banner flag. Both teardrop and feather banners are available and can be interchanged.

The Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia are some of the states where we provide teardrop banners. It is our top priority to provide fast, reliable service. We can design flags specifically for your business or event and make sure that it stands out!


It can be challenging to know how to use teardrop banners effectively for your company's advertising. The effect is even greater if the chosen shape is unique. It isn't as hard as you think to figure out the best time to use teardrop banners. When other banners can't attract potential clients and customers, teardrop flags are extraordinarily effective.


You may not even be noticed by customers driving down the street, especially if there's no way for them to see your sign. For drivers to read your sign properly, they would have to take a close look out their side windows, which isn't conducive. Regardless of the outcome, drivers may not be aware of what kind of goods or services you offer because they drive by at such a high speed.

Teardrop banners can help change all that. Having them on your property however you like means you can reposition them as you wish. Due to their visibility through the front windshield, Placing them along the street or sidewalk is especially effective. Unlike old-fashioned brick-and-mortar shops, teardrop banners can be used in almost any kind of business. You can also use them for outdoor events! Since our flags are available with four different types of bases, they are an excellent way to catch people's attention at events such as outdoor sporting events, music concerts, farmer's markets, and more!


In addition to advertising inside, you should also advertise inside your trade show booth. You are relying on visitors to glance in your booth to find out what you are selling when you use a traditional hanging sign. With thousands of tradeshows taking place simultaneously, the possibilities of being overlooked are considerably increased. Teardrop banners, however, will not cause these problems.

Visitors can read the flag easily if it faces oncoming traffic since they can align themselves to face oncoming traffic. Likewise, an indoor display can include a teardrop banner attached above the crowd for maximum visibility just like a conventional outdoor display.


The message and logo can be completely customized on both indoor and outdoor polyester teardrop banners. Consequently, you can customize your teardrop banner to suit your needs. Instead of advertising your business, use your banner to promote an online special.

I will conclude by saying this:

Tuesdays are you able to offer a haircut discount? Can you lower your oil change prices in order to attract new customers? In almost any type of business, teardrop banners can be used to show your new customers how they can save when they come in.

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