

   Pablo A. Oyarzún Cabañas



I’m a marine biologist with wide-ranging interests. In my research I have used an integrative approach to understand patterns and processes in the reproduction of marine invertebrates. My work combines multiple disciplines, including evolutionary biology, morphometrics, genetics, physiology and reproductive biology. I have also carried out applications of my research in mollusc aquaculture (i.e. farming mussels and flat oysters).  

I lead the laboratory of reproductive biology of marine invertebrates and the laboratory of histology of marine organisms that are located in the marine research center of Quintay (CIMARQ) of the Andrés bello University (Chile). We invite you to review our identification guide for marine invertebrates in the central zone of Chile --> Link

Areas of research

Marine biology · Sexual system evolution · Phylogeny · Mollusc aquaculture · Gametogenesis · Reproductive patterns in Animalia.


Introduction to Marine Biology · Marine invertebrates · Marine Biotechnology · Conservation biology ·  Physiological ecology in a changing world (PhD)

Participation in postgraduate programs

PhD in conservation medicine

Master in natural resources

Scientific committees

Member of the Scientific Technical Fisheries Committee: Benthic Resources of the Secretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Government of Chile (2022-2027).

 Academic qualifications

Postdoctoral Fondecyt, Chile  (3 years)

PhD, Marine Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile

Marine Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile


Oyarzún, P.A, Hidalgo-Cabrera, A, Stam, G, Estrada, JM, Navarro, JM and Toro, JT (submitted) Study of settlement of Chilean flat oyster (Ostrea chilensis) on ribbed mussel shells collectors for commercial grow-out: towards sustainable management. Aquaculture report.

Arriagada G, Quezada J, Merino-Velez N, Avilez F, Tapia-Cammas D, Gomez D, Curotto D, Valdes JA, Oyarzún PA, Gallardo-Escarate C, Metzger MJ, Alvarez M. (2024) Identification and expression analysis of two steamer-like retrotransposons in the Chilean blue mussel (Mytilus chilensis). Biological research 57.

Oyarzún P.A, Toro JE, Nuñez JJ, Gonzalo Ruiz-Tagle, Gardner JPA (2024) The Mediterranean Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in Chile: Distribution and Genetic Structure of a Recently Introduced Invasive Marine Species. Animals 14(6),823.

Briones C. Núñez J.J, Pérez, M, Garrido, O, Campos, B, Godoy, K, Hartley, R, Oyarzún, PA, Guiñez, R. (2024) Linking Acrosome Size and Genetic Divergence in an Inter-Oceanic Mussel from the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts: A Case of Incipient Speciation? Animals 14, 674.

Gallardo-Escárate C, Valenzuela-Muñoz V, Nuñez-Acuña G, Valenzuela-Miranda D, Tapia F, Yévenes M, Gajardo G, Toro JE, Oyarzún P.A, Arriagada G, Novoa B, Figueras A, Roberts S (2023). Chromosome-Level genome assembly of the Blue Mussel Mytilus chilensis reveals molecular signatures facing the marine environment. Genes, 14, 876. genes14040876.

Valenzuela A, Oyarzún, P.A, Toro JE, Navarro JM, Ramírez O, Farias A (2022) Proximal and fatty acid analysis in Ostrea chilensis, Crassostrea gigas and Mytilus chilensis (Bivalvia: Mollusca) from Southern Chile. PLoS ONE 17(7): e0270825

Navarro, JM, Oyarzún, P.A, Hartmann V, Toro JE, Garrido C, Valenzuela A, Pizarro G (2022) Feeding response and dynamic of intoxication and detoxification in two populations of the flat oyster Ostrea chilensis exposed to paralytic shellfish toxins (PST). Marine Environmental Research. 177: 105634

Toro, JE, Oyarzún, P.A., Toledo F, Navarro JM, Illesca A, Gardner JPA (2022) Genetic structure and diversity of the Chilean flat oyster Ostrea chilensis (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) along its natural distribution from natural beds subject to different fishing histories. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 45(1) e20210214. 

Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, JE, Nuñez JJ, Suarez-Villota E, Gardner JPA (2021) Blue mussels of the Mytilus edulis species complex from South America: the application of species delimitation models to DNA sequence variation. PLoS ONE. DOI. 10.1371/journal.pone.0256961. 

Hüne M, Oyarzún, P.A., Reyes, P, Rivera, G, Montecinos, M (2021) Phylogeographic analysis of Thyrsites atun (Perciformes: Gempylidae) reveals connectivity between fish from South Africa and Chile. Marine Biology Research. DOI. 10.1080/17451000.2021.1967994

Toro, JE, Ávila XB, Oyarzún, P.A., Illesca A (2021) Evaluation of Prezygotic Barrier Using Laboratory Crosses Between Three Species of Blue Mussels of The Genus Mytilus, Present Along the Chilean Coast. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 34(1):26463-26465. 

Gardner, J.P.A, Oyarzún, P.A, Toro JE, Wenne, R, Zbawicka, M. (2021) Phylogeography of Southern Hemisphere blue mussels of the genus Mytilus: evolution, biosecurity, aquaculture and food labelling. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. DOI: 10.1201/9781003138846-3

Oyarzún, P.A., Nuñez, J.J. Toro, J.E. Gardner, J.P.A. (2020) Trioecy in the marine mussel Semimytilus algosus (Mollusca, Bivalvia): stable sex ratios across 22 degrees of a latitudinal gradient. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7. 348. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00348

Oyarzún, P.A., Toro JE, Nuñez JJ, Gardner JPA (2019) Genetic variability of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca: Bivalvia): the genetic pattern of an invasive marine species. ISJ-Invertebrate Survival Journal. 16:206.

Alvarado-Rybak M, Haro D, Oyarzún, P.A, Dougnac C, Gutierrez J, Toledo N, Leiva N, Peña C, Cifuentes C, Muñoz N, Monti E, Soto-Azat C & Pincheira B. (2019) A Mass stranding event of long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) in Southern Chile. Aquatic Mammals 45(4)447-455.

Illesca, A., Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E. & Gardner, J.P.A. (2018) Morphometric variability of smooth-shelled blue mussels from the Pacific coast of South America. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 125: 194-209.

Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E., Garcés-Vargas, J., Alvarado, C., Guiñez, R., Jaramillo, J., Briones, C., Campos, B. (2018) Reproductive patterns of mussels Perumytilus purpuratus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), along the Chilean coast: effects caused by climate change? Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 98(2):375-385 DOI: 10.1017/S0025315416001223

Guiñez, R., Toro, J.E., Kraprivka, S., Alcapán A.C., Oyarzún, P.A. (2017) Heritabilities and genetic correlation of shell thickness and shell length growth in a mussels, Mytilus chilensis (BIVALVIA: MYTILIDAE). Aquaculture Research. 48(4):1450-1457. DOI: 10.1111/are.12981 

Valenzuela, A., Astorga, M. P., Oyarzún, P.A. & Toro J.E. (2016) Caracterización genética de híbridos entre las especies Mytilus edulis platensis y Mytilus galloprovincialis en la costa chilena. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 44(1):171-176. 

Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E., Cañete J.I. & Gardner, J.P.A. (2016) Bioinvasion threatens the genetic integrity of native diversity and a natural hybrid zone: smooth-shelled blue mussels (Mytilus spp.) in the Strait of Magellan. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (DOI: 10.1111/bij.12687) 117: 574-585. 

Oyarzún, PA., Toro, J.E., Garrido, O., Briones, C. & Guiñez, R. (2014) Differences in sperm ultrastructure between Mytilus chilensis and Mytilus galloprovincialis (Bivalvia, Mytilidae): could be used as a taxonomic trait? Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 42(1):172-179. 

Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E., Navarro, J.M., (2013) Comparison of the physiological energetics between Mytilus chilensis, Mytilus galloprovincialis and their hybrids, under laboratory conditions. Aquaculture Research (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2109.2012.03184.x) 44: 1805-1814.

Jedlicki, A., Férnandez, G., Astorga, M., Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E., Navarro, J.M & Martínez, V (2012) Molecular detection and species identification of Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) causing harmful algal blooms along the Chilean coastline. AoB PLANTS. doi:10.1093/aobpla/pls033. 

Briones, C., Guiñez, R., Garrido, O., Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E. Pérez, M (2012) Sperm polymorphism and genetic divergence in the mussel Perumytilus purpuratus. Marine Biology 159: 1865-1870. 

Toro, J.E., Oyarzún, P.A., Peñaloza C.S., Alcapán A., Videla, V., Tilleria, J. Astorga. M. & V. Martinez (2012) Production and performance of larvae and spat of pure and hybrid species of Mytilus chilensis and M. galloprovincialis from laboratory crosses. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 40: 243-247.

Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E., Jaramillo, R., Guiñez, R., Briones C & M. Astorga (2011) Gonadal cycle from mussel Mytilus chilensis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) at two localities in southern Chile. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 39:512-525.

Oyarzún, P.A., Toro, J.E., Jaramillo, R., Guiñez, R., Briones C & M. Astorga (2010) Análisis comparativo del ciclo gametogénico de Perumytilus purpuratus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), en las localidades de Taltal y Huasco, Norte de Chile. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 45: 43-58.

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