BLDC Motor Upgrade

In my recent project, I added Hall sensors to a brushless DC (BLDC) motor because the new motor controller I switched to required the presence of Hall sensors. Hall sensors are essential in BLDC motors as they provide precise rotor position feedback, enabling the controller to efficiently manage the commutation sequence. This precise control is crucial for optimizing the motor's performance, ensuring smooth operation, and preventing potential issues such as stalling or inefficient power use. Additionally, Hall sensors enhance the motor's reliability and responsiveness, making it ideal for applications where precise motor control and efficiency are paramount.


The motor to be upgraded is 1000W, 60 Volts BLDC motor used for small electric vehicles. As shown in the image it supports normal wheels and has disk brakes.

Hall Effect Sensor

A Hall effect sensor is a transducer that varies its output voltage in response to changes in the magnetic field. It operates based on the Hall effect, which occurs when a magnetic field perpendicular to an electric current passing through a conductor produces a voltage difference across the conductor, perpendicular to both the current and the magnetic field.

Here's a breakdown of how a Hall effect sensor works:

Step 1: Remove all the epoxy

First, all the epoxy needs to be removed to expose the hole where the cables get inside the motor.

Before removing the epoxy

After removing the epoxy

Missing Hall sensors.

Step 2: Rewire 5 extra cables

5 new cables need to be wire through the axis of the motor, this cables provide power to the hall sensors and transmit the data from the sensors back to the motor controller.

Step 3: Glue the hall sensor and reconnect the coils

After everything is clean is time to install the hall sensors and reconnect the coils

Before installing Hall sensors

After installing Hall sensors

Step 4: Connect the sensor cables

Finally, everything is secured so it doesn't entangle with the motor when it is spinning.

Coils and sensors reconnected

Everything nice and tight
