Friday is a Donation Dress Down Day of any amount for Cystic Fibrosis.
Friday is a Donation Dress Down Day of any amount for Cystic Fibrosis.
Last week the children came home with a Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl to deposit any loose change in it.
Last week the children came home with a Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl to deposit any loose change in it.
Next Wednesday we will honor the important man in your child’s life. If Dad is not available, perhaps a grandfather or uncle can come, so that every child will have someone there for him/her. The celebration, held in the classrooms, will begin at 8:00 and be over by 8:30.
Next Wednesday we will honor the important man in your child’s life. If Dad is not available, perhaps a grandfather or uncle can come, so that every child will have someone there for him/her. The celebration, held in the classrooms, will begin at 8:00 and be over by 8:30.
As the weather begins to change (for the better), please dress your child in layers. It is still chilly in the morning when we go outside. Children are complaining of being cold because they are not dressed appropriately. Please label all sweatshirts.
As the weather begins to change (for the better), please dress your child in layers. It is still chilly in the morning when we go outside. Children are complaining of being cold because they are not dressed appropriately. Please label all sweatshirts.
End of the Year Kindergarten Picnic – Monday, June 2nd to Masons Mill Park.
End of the Year Kindergarten Picnic – Monday, June 2nd to Masons Mill Park.