Phoebe Tee @phoebeelicious 

Priti Gadia Agarwal @priti_gadia_agarwal 

Pungidasa @pungidasabookreviews


Even though Phoebe Tee is passionate about writing, she also enjoys reading, watching movies, singing, cooking and dancing on tiktok. She loves to write poetry because she knows her words can make people feel, give them hope and strength during turbulent times. She is currently working on her upcoming debut poetry book and looks forward to presenting it to the world.

Sunil Sathyendra is an Engineer by profession, a zero-waste enthusiast and passionately leads volunteering activities in his free time. He also writes under the pen name, Pungidasa which originates from two words in Kannada (which is his native tongue)—pungi meaning the snake charmer's instrument and dasa is derived from a lineage of saint-like philosophical poets famous in South India. According to Pungidasa, the snake charmer moves his pungi to distract the snake's attention because the sound always makes it sway. Most of his poems carry dual meanings—one that is quite literal and the other is intended and much deeper. His short stories are tagged as nostalgic, reminding people of their childhood because they transport us back to Malgudi days. Inspired by R.K. Narayan, his tales are suitable for all ages.

When you meet Priti Gadia Agarwal, her personality is bound to confuse you. Even though she is an introvert by nature, she is also an extreme extrovert who enjoys being outgoing, adventurous and is the opposite of shy at any social occasion. She has a chameleon-like ability to read the energy in her environment, and adjust accordingly. Sometimes, she likes escaping into her cocoon to read a book, process her thoughts and get some alone time; but at other times, she will seek out thrilling adventures for fun, dance like no one is watching, sing at the top of her lungs and be quite loud. The one thing that has remained constant throughout her life is her positive attitude because whatever the situation, she will always keep her chin up and wear a big smile.

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