Kalpana Gaur @flawsome_words

Kirsty Bassett @brigids_fire 

Kristal Kay Jonasen @blossomhaiku 

Krystal Centinello @words2bfree


Kristal Kay Jonasen enjoys inspiring creativity and nourishing the imagination of others around her. When she was in elementary school, she discovered that she had a natural flair and love for writing. After getting published in an anthology back then, she has been nurturing this gift for over forty years. She aspires to have her work appear in more publications in the coming years.

Krystal Centinello is a teacher living in Los Angeles, California. Whether she's teaching her elementary school students how to subtract, coaching clients on reframing their beliefs, helping her daughters with homework, mentoring colleagues on best practices, editing her husband's emails, or posting information about domestic violence on Instagram, she's living her best life doing what she loves. She began writing poetry at a young age, and aside from the poem she wrote for her great grandmother's funeral, she kept most of her poetry private until a few years ago. Poetry granted her the freedom from the swirling thoughts in her brain. As she extracted these thoughts and feelings from her body and injected them onto the paper, she felt a clarity she had never felt before. The thoughts began to make sense and she could see how her words could be used to help others. Krystal shares her poems about emotional abuse, relationships, parenting, eating disorders, and other relatable content on her Instagram account. She recently published her first solo collection—DIADEM: Crowning of a Lioness. Her work can also be found in several poetry anthologies.

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