Announcement: End of Campaign

It is tremendously disappointing to announce that I will not be running for Florida's 2nd congressional district in 2020 any longer.

Due to personal and professional reasons, I will not be seeking the office next year. I am thankful for all of the love and support from across the panhandle and big bend region.

I will continue to be supportive of the Democratic party and their efforts to improve turnout and policy here in district 2 and across the country.

The Democratic party believes that our future will be better than our past; that in our unity we can overcome anything.

I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. I hope that the new year brings us all a better president, as well as better representation in Congress.

-Connor Oswald

Rise Up and Save Democracy For the People!

In 2020, we have the opportunity to shift the balance of power back to the people. Entrenched politicians, bankers, and representatives of the rich and powerful have to answer for bad policy. Stand with me and my generation as we change society to work for rest of us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Over the past several months, supporters and critics have asked me a number of questions. I'll update this section when I get more questions.

  1. Are you related to JFK's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald?
      • No.
  2. You're 25? What makes you think you should run for Congress?
      • As defined by our Constitution, to run for congress you must be at least 25 and live in the state that you wish to represent. I meet both of those criteria. If you're expecting an ideological answer, here you are: the world is on fire, climate change is real and humans have contributed to its acceleration, if you disagree with the scientific community and need someone to explain it to you, just ask. Too many Congresspersons (including Neal Dunn) deny the existence of this phenomenon and do nothing.
  3. Why are you a Democrat?
      • I was raised with a few simple instructions. 1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 2. Work as hard as you can for what you want. These principles led me to the conclusion that the Democratic party's ideals align with the ones that I was raised with, perfectly. Here's how; when I was young my 80-year-old great-grandmother, who was a retired nurse for the VA, would take care of me during the summers in Lake City. She didn't have nearly enough saved to help her live alone for 40 years, Medicaid and Social Security allowed me to continue making memories with her well into her 90s. A strong social safety net has always been a part of modern democratic ideals. If or when I need the help of my community I am much more likely to receive help from a democrat. Then, there is the principle of hard work. Do you know who has the strongest work ethic in modern society? Farmers and Union workers who have been continuously shortchanged by big businesses and employers and the politicians that they buy across the country.
  4. Why should we trust you to represent us? (Are you a carpetbagger?)
      • In 2015, I went on a road-trip with my brother. We traveled from Florida to Michigan to visit my paternal relatives then we traveled over to my birthplace, Seattle, WA. It was the middle of May and the rest of the country was still dealing with average highs of 60-degree weather, in terms of Florida weather, freezing. We saw the nation's splendor; nothing compared to home. Florida is and always will be my home. My childhood is filled with memories of exploring Florida's natural wonders; boating on the Suwanee River; scalloping in Steinhatchee, swimming in the crisp water of Florida's countless springs. I vow to improve the efficacy of the EPA and make sure that organizations that would damage the Floridian ecosystem face accountability. My love of this land is genetic. On my mother's side, my family has lived in North Florida for five generations.
  5. Do you support the second amendment? A woman's right to choose? My candidate's favorite policy?
      • The second amendment, as enshrined in our Constitution and our culture, needs to be critiqued for its effects on our society that go beyond its original purpose. However, the NRA has prevented federal funds from going towards nonpartisan policy research that might allow us to better understand what can be done to reduce the negative impacts of irresponsible firearm use and sales. A woman's health is always of the utmost importance, it is an issue that only a woman and her doctor can make. The government, state or federal, should not make laws that infringe on that right. Above all, my guiding principle when it comes to the support or the opposition of a policy is, "will this benefit my community in the long run."