Food After an Ostomy

There are so many great reasons for a patient to have an ostomy procedure. Most individuals were suffering for months or even years before the decision to pursue an ostomy procedure was made. These patients have really focused their entire lives for however long around their stomach, colon, or rectum issues. They had to learn to live a certain type of way because they always had to keep their ailment in mind. The whole idea behind an ostomy is to give freedom and a worry-free day back to the patients. Majority of people cannot even describe how much their stoma has given them. With all that being said, there are still a few things people have to look out for when they are transitioning into life with a stoma.

First thing is make sure you have all your supplies you need from ConvaTec ostomy supplies. The company always ensures patient satisfaction and works hard every day for the people they provide products to. ConvaTech ostomy supplies know the only way a stoma can be happy, is if it is healthy. Their products ensure a healthy ostomy and a healthy patient.

Food can be tricky, though. Many patients have avoided so many different types of food for so long they are not entirely sure what their body can handle anymore. It is always best to slowly introduce any type of food back into your body. Even though it will not be passing all the way through your bowels, certain types of foods, seasonings, or spices could irritate your ostomy.

The first thing you will have to learn and adapt to is how long food will pass through your system and how often you will have to empty your bag. This could affect how long you choose to sit at a dinner table with friends. You should also consider wearing loose fitting clothing so the clothes do not become restrictive when your bag starts to fill.

Next you should think about researching common foods that have irritated other people’s ostomies. This can be a start guide to you as you are navigating your new life and diet! It can be very exciting to try new foods again that you have not been able to eat in quite some time. If you are planning on dining out and will be away from home for a few hours, then your safest bet is definitely food you know you will be successful with. Maybe save the more adventurous foods for carry-out and have a nice meal at home so you can quickly tend to any issues.