
Stoma surgeries have been practiced since the late 1800’s, but only recently in the 1950’s have they become a common practice. The first types of stoma surgeries focused more on urinary tract problems, while most recent surgeries can aid a plethora of different medical diagnosis. Along with the procedure becoming more common, more companies have been becoming more advanced with their technology. One company staying ahead of the cure is ostomy supplies. They are committed to making this once life-altering procedure a pretty easily taken care of part of a patient’s day. One way they have been making the lives of their patients’ easier is eakin Cohesive Seals.

The issues most people have with their stoma postoperative is leakage. This can be such a devastating and humiliating side effect of an ostomy bag. There are so many factors why an ostomy would leak. Usually the case is that the bag is not tightly secured. There are many different types of options for bags. Some people opt for a bag that folds, some go for bags that clip, and some people have drainable type bags using a pump. Leakage could also be a result of user error so make sure you are properly reading instructions and taking special care each time you empty and clean your bag. One solution ConvaTec ostomy supplies has developed is the eakin Cohesive Seals. These seals have helped thousands of patients take their lives back.

Some people become so afraid of leakage because of smell or stains. The whole reason of an ostomy for most patients is to keep them out of the bathroom and keep them enjoying their lives. If people are constantly having to worry about if their ostomy bag is leaking, then they are not really taking their lives back like planned. These special seals ensure a tight seal every single time. There are different versions of this product depending on what your needs are. There is a normal, everyday seal for people that do not have to worry much about leakage. There are large seal for people more concerned about leakage and uneven skin around the stoma. There are smaller seals for people who worry about liquid leakage. Even still, there is an oval shape for people with less dexterity or an abnormally shaped stoma.

Leaks around the stoma can often cause irritation to the skin as well. This becomes a problem because the skin around a stoma can be very sensitive and easily infected. If an infection occurs it can be quite dangerous for a person with an ostomy because the infection can spread quickly into the body. Always make sure your stoma and the skin surrounding is clean and healthy!