MBC Osasco Erasmus+ 2019

Moate Business College Erasmus+ visits Osasco, Italy 2019

The Erasmus+ programme today is designed to foster a skilled and dynamic work force within the European Union. It allows students in vocational education and training to undertake temporary transnational training/work placements over a 3 week period, gaining an understanding of different cultures, languages and work practices. In February 2019, 4 students from Moate Business College take part in an Erasmus+ Mobility to Osasco, Italy

Emily Moran

Anna Parker

Lorcan Daly

Shannon Delaney

Emily and Anna are studying Nursing Studies while Lorcan and Shannon are attending the Social Studies course at Moate Business College. This blog gives a little insight into their stay in Italy

Click onto the page links at the top of the blog to see how we got on each week of the stay.