Past Seminar Presentations

This page contains past presentations, slides, videos and relevant material.

This is a joint work with Ronan Le Guével (Rennes 2).

Joint works with I. Ba, A. Choiruddin, F. Letué, F. Cuevas Pacheco, M.-H. Descary  and R. Waagepetersen.

In this talk we propose different approaches to CV in the context of point patterns, which respect the dependence structure of the underlying point process. Having introduced our CV approaches, we proceed by looking closer at how they may be exploited in different statistical settings. More specifically, we introduce general frameworks for i) estimation through prediction error minimisation, and ii) penalised fitting. Each of these approaches is based on a sequence of k training and validation data pairs, which have been generated using our CV approaches. We then illustrate how these two approaches may be applied in various statistical settings. 

This is work in progress. This is joint work with C. Biscio, A. Choiruddin and M. Moradi.

In this talk, I will describe a new bandwidth selection method and compare its efficacy to that of existing methods by means of simulation. The new method is based on an optimality criterion motivated by the Campbell formula applied to the reciprocal intensity function. It is fully non-parametric, does not require knowledge of higher order moments, and is not restricted to a specific class of point process. Also, it is computationally straightforward and does not require numerical approximation of integrals.

Next, I wil discuss asymptotic expansions of the mean squared error when independent copies of the point process are superposed. I will show that the optimal bandwidth is of the order $n^{-1/(d+4)}$ under appropriate smoothness conditions on the kernel and true intensity function. Moreover, the Abramson principle can be applied to define adaptive kernel estimators. The optimal adaptive bandwidth turns out to be of the order $n^{-1/(d+8)}$ under appropriate smoothness conditions.

This talk is partially based on joint work with Ottmar Cronie.

Joint work with Xavier Emery (U. Chile), Céline Lacaux, (Avignon Université) and Christian Lantuéjoul (Mines ParisTech).