Boundary Generator

The Boundary Generator Tool is a simple way to build boundaries for all fields that do not currently have one. This tool will automatically run and leverage existing operational data for a field and will snap a boundary around that data. If a field has no boundary and no operational data, no boundary will be created. If a field has inactive boundaries and operational data, then a boundary will be created.

The Boundary Generator Tool is only as good as the operational data it has at its disposal. It prefers Seeding and Harvest operations as those tend to be the most complete picture of a field. If a field is missing data, the generated boundary may not be to your liking. If you find this to be the case, simply delete the boundary and hand draw one manually for that field.

The order of priority in which operational data is selected in the Boundary Generator Tool is as follows:

  1. Seeding - Current year (earliest in the year)
  2. Seeding - Last year (earliest in the year)
  3. Harvest - Current year
  4. Harvest - Last year
  5. Application - Current year
  6. Application - Last year
  7. Seeding - Most recent
  8. Harvest - Most recent
  9. Application - Most recent
  10. Tillage - Most recent