Learn to teach outdoor

Learn to teach outdoor, Londonderry (March 31-April 2, 2022)

The first official mobility took part at the end of March in Londonderry where all delegations met all together for the first time. The main aim of the meeting was to get to know each others personally, to set details about the mobilities this year and to have presentation and get new teaching ideas of how to take learning outdoor.

There have been several workshops those days, as follows:

1.Training Workshop at the Playtrail/Forest School

This workshop explored the use of woodland, other wild spaces and/or school grounds. The focus was on a flexible, child-led approach to learning which accommodated a range of learning styles which can be adapted for different ages and all abilities. The workshop allowed for the freedom to explore using multiple senses (vital for encouraging creative, diverse and imaginative play).

2. Observation of outdoor play at Holy Family Primary and Nursery School

This activity/workshop demonstrated the outdoor classroom activities evident at Holy Family Primary and Nursery School. Lessons were observed within the outdoor environment and lessons were discussed with teachers and pupils. Activities undertaken under the Eco school project were shown and ideas were given to other schools to use in their own country. Art and craft activities, learning-by-doing approach, practical skills as a part of curriculum were shown in order to inspire colleagues and implement some of the outdoor learning activities evident in school life.

3. Training Workshop on the importance of play and outdoor learning in cooporation with an educational organisation BSO Wijs, from The Netherlands.

The activity was delivered at Holy Family Primary and Nursery School to all participants. Training was delivered regarding the benefits of outdoor play/learning to the development of our children, including increased creativity, physical activity, problem solving skills and reduced stress and anxiety. A practical workshop combined with theoretical background updated the teacher's skills. A manual was demonstrated and disseminated to participants so that teachers can create their own lesson plans within their own country in English.

We visited places of outdoor learning interest in Northern Ireland that could inspire future outdoor learning lessons and experiences.

All of the participants were given motivation to restart their Erasmus projects in their own countries following workshops and sharing of experiences with all partner countries.

We decided during our discussions the most efficient way to deliver pupil mobilities in the next months.