Monday 3 September 2012

Abstracts of all talks


10.30–11.00 Arrival, tea and coffee

11.00–12.00 David Drasin (Purdue)

Nevanlinna's Second Fundamental Theorem in the plane. Slides

12.00–12.30 Myrto Manolaki (UCD)

Harmonic functions with universal polynomial expansions. Slides

12.30–13.55 Lunch

13.55–14.00 Discussion of next year's meeting

14.00–14.30 Dan Nicks (Nottingham)

Iteration of quasiregular analogues of trigonometric functions. Slides

14.30–15.00 Rob Fryer (Warwick)

Dynamics of mappings with constant dilatation. Slides

15.00–15.30 Thomas Kecker (UCL)

Nonlinear second-order ODEs with movable algebraic singularities. Slides

15.30–16.00 Tea break

16.00–16.30 Peter Hazard (Warwick)

Explosion of moduli for period-doubling Henon-like maps. Slides

16.30–17.15 Phil Rippon (Open)

Regular growth of entire functions and a local cos πρ type theorem. Slides

De Morgan House, London.

Here is a photo from this meeting.

Supported by the London Mathematical Society.

Organised by Alastair Fletcher (Northern Illinois University)