See this page belonging to Joel Feinstein.

Monday 18th September, 2000, Function Theory and Function Spaces


10.30-11.00 Coffee

11.00-11.50 Jim Langley (Nottingham) Second order differential equations and a question of Rubel concerning asymptotic paths

12.00-12.30 William Bland (Nottingham) Spaces of differentiable functions

12.40 Lunch

14.00-14.40 Alan Beardon (Cambridge) Smale's mean value conjecture for polynomials

14.50-15.30 Milne Anderson (University College, London) The difference between harmonic functions

15.40-16.10 Tea

16.10-16.15 Location of next year's meeting

16.15-17.00 Edward Fraenkel (Bath) The diffusing vortex circle: a singular solution of the Navier-Stokes equations

17.00-17.30 Problems Forum: an opportunity for anyone to briefly outline any open questions or conjectures.