Open University, Milton Keynes (Central Meeting Room 15)

8th September 2008

10.30-11.00 Registration

11.00-12.00 Tom Carroll (University College, Cork)

The univalent Bloch-Landau constant, harmonic symmetry and conformal glueing.

12.05-12.35 Dan Nicks (Nottingham)

Deficiency of periodic derivatives.

12.40-13.10 Edward Crane (Bristol)

Circle packings and discrete Weierstrass functions.

13.15-14.15 Lunch

14.15-15.00 Stephen Gardiner (University College, Dublin)

Lipschitz continuity of the Green function in Denjoy domains.

15.05-15.35 Nicholas Young (Leeds)

Explicit function theory for a domain in C^3.

15.40-16.10 Tea

16.10-17.00 Phil Rippon (Open University)

Pits, gaps and spiders' webs.