Write to

Minister of Education

Copy and paste email addresses and letter to your email.

Edit the letter to include your story (how the lack of a school has affected you) and your name.

Dear Minister of Education, Hon. Rob Fleming:

Re: Olympic Village School Situation

I am writing you regarding the need for a school in our community of Olympic Village and Southeast False Creek in Vancouver.

On June 24, 2019, the Vancouver School Board approved the 2020 Capital Plan. Included in this plan is the Olympic Village School land acquisition in Year 1 and site construction in Year 3. I strongly urge you to approve this request in the Spring 2020 Capital Response Letter as it is very important to our community.


Please support the early learners in our community and approve the funding for the Olympic Village School in the 2020-2021 Capital Budget.

Kind Regards,


Olympic Village Community Member