Meeting Notes October 22nd

VSB Presentation

· VSB would be prepared to have further discussion about bussing solution, despite there being no current precedent for it

· TM school – could have a discussion about it and what it would cost. Would need to do a feasibility study

· Modular school at OV sites – VSB does not own the site right now.

· Expanding False Creek is an option

Community Group Questions & Discussion

What is the likelihood that an OV school will be approved in the Ministry response letter in the spring

· What can the VSB do in the absence of provincial funding?

o VSB: can generate capital $ by selling/disposing of assets or leasing land/buildings (e.g. Kingsgate mall). School districts are not permitted to borrow $ in school act without Minister approval (very rare)

o VSB: considering closing Queen Elizabeth Annex. Could lease land to bring in capital $.

o VSB: modular solution would still require the capital $ to do it. If there are surplus funds

o VSB: best long-term solution is to get a permanent school in OV.

· What is VSB actively doing other than having OV school on the top of the list;

o VSB: school board will be responsible for coming up with up to 50% of funding so VSB is looking at where those funds would come from. Currently looking at Queen Elizabeth Annex closure and dispose/lease. Also, looking at Kingsgate mall disposal/lease.

o VSB: working with legal counsel to understand if VSB needs to buy land or not in OV

Open Questions & Discussion


· 181 Athletes Way, council president. Not opposed to elementary school, they do support it. Very concerned about location of school. Location set out in original plan is at intersection of Walter Hardwick and Columbia. Have requested in letters for school location to be further west on the site.


· 181 Athletes Way. What is an outdoor school?

· VSB: students are taught outdoors. It is happening now in other areas (e.g. Maple Ridge)


· 1775 Quebec. The site identified in the original plan is too small to accommodate a school. Unrealistic to put active young children in a space that size. Money would be wasted by doing a temporary school. Emphasis should be on permanent solution/funding.


· Thank you to David and David for coming

· What is the VSB internal timeline that they are working towards to build the school?

· VSB: Aggressive timeline would be a 2023 open if Ministry approves in 2020. Cannot speak on behalf of Minister. VSB is putting things in place to increase capital funds, to have funds available for capital projects when they are approved.

· What does VSB recommend we as parents do? Move? Pay for the bus?

· VSB: do you care where your kids go? Greg: No, I would rather have my kids go to school on a bus across town with their friends.

· VSB: bussing solution would have a central pickup/drop off

· VSB David Nelson: Bussing in the past has been done for a 2 year window for seismic upgrades. Concern is that there is no confirmed end date. It is a different conversation with parents.


· Lives in OV and has baby girl. If seismic budget is separate budget what are we competing against?

· VSB: competing against new schools in other districts where there is increasing enrollment. VSB enrollment continues to decline, and we have schools with space in north east and south east.

· VSB: Minister says VSB has autonomy to make decisions on how to spend funds. Suggest parents speak to Trustees.



· Why can we not put more portables on some VSB school sites (like Surrey). Mount Pleasant has had renos to maximize interior space. Could


· Practice as a family physician in Marpole has 3.5 year old daughter. Totally ok with bussing solution so long as she is with her community friends.

· VSB: all students will have a school to go to.

· Would like daughter to go to a school near work. VSB: we work with families to facilitate cross boundary placements


· Live in OV with 3 and 5 year old. Do you think there is any merit to funding a feasibility study looking at smaller modular school at the site. VSB: yes there would be merit in a feasibility study looking at smaller modular options.


· Update on BC Hydro funding? Are there other avenues of funding we can explore. VSB: district received about $65M through BC Hydro deal, VSB Board restricted deal to use funds to build school in Coal Harbour and Lord Roberts Annex. Ministry staff seem to think otherwise that the money could be repurposed.


· Lives in 1633 Ontario Street. Son is 4.5. Why has it taken so long to get the school built?

· VSB: David has only been Secretary Treasurer for 2 years.

· VSB: Challenge is that Ministry does not fund based on projections, only actual demand.


· There is precedent for bussing long term to the Francophone school. In 2016 parents looked at bussing option from OV just to Simon Fraser

Community Member

· Concern about losing greenspace. Is there another space for the school on the site?

· VSB: extensive work was done looking at a site under the Cambie St Bridge but it was not approved because of seismic concerns with the bridge.

Patti Bacchus

· There was a precedent for bussing from UBC area to Southlands, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, before Norma Rose Point was built. There was also a precedent for a school within a school.


· Do you think an OV school will be funded before catchment changes and school closures?

· VSB: there are no catchment changes that will address the issues, otherwise we would do it.

Key takeaways

· Request re-consideration of the proposed location of the school and for it to be further West that the initial proposed site, and to preserve the existing greenspace at Hinge Park.

· Hearing from parents that a bussing solution may be acceptable as an interim solution and that further discussion around it would be valuable

· There would be merit in a feasibility study looking at smaller modular options.