Space and Place

Absolute Location: 38°53'51"N

Relative Location: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC

GPS Coordinates: 38.8977° N, 77.0365° W

Space: Space refers to the the general geographic area of interest. This idea is more abstract and described instead of measured. In this case, space can be referred to as the specific and absolute location of the White House [3] .

Place: referred to as "a space or location with meaning." This would be the actual White House and the lawn. [ 2]. Image- [4].

Important places in the White House include: [12]

Blue Room: Used for receiving guests, oval shaped.

East Room: Ceremonial Room.

East Wing: Contains the offices of the First Lady and her staff. This is also the main entrance for people touring the White House.

Library, North Lawn

Green Room: Used for small gatherings.

Press Room: Room for news reporters who cover the White House.

Truman Balcony: Second-level balcony located on the South Portico.

Rose Garden: Flower garden located to the west of the south lawn. Used for ceremonies and gatherings.

The significance of the White House can be drawn back hundreds of years as it stands as a symbol of the United States and their governmental system. The White House has significance by housing numerous every President except for the first, George Washington, and being the location at which many foreign leaders come to meet with the current United States President. Many important decisions about the United States are made within this building which gives it much political importance. The

physical nature of the White House has not always been like it is today. From a new elevator, lighting, terrace, removal of walls, and building of beams, the White House has certainly changed over time [18].