General links, references and information

- Japan Sumo Association - English - Japanese

The official English website of the Japan Sumo Association (aka. JSA, or NSK after its Japanese name, Nihon Sumo Kyokai, 日本相撲協会). The new banzuke is published here first, and it’s also where you can find info on seeing live sumo if you’re in Japan. 

- Sumo Reference aka. SumoDB

An incredible database of match results, banzuke, rikishi and more going back over 250 years! An indispensable resource and amazingly powerful tool, allowing you to make all kinds of queries. However it’s quite an unreliable site, so if the site is down, keep trying and it’s usually back up within a few minutes.

- The Techniques of Sumo

Videos made by NHK World’s Grand Sumo Highlights show highlighting all 82 kimarite (winning techniques) and the 5 non-techniques with which you can win (or lose) in sumo. Great for learning the skills!

- Sumo Forum Glossary of Sumo Terms  

An extremely comprehensive glossary of sumo terms. Hasn’t been updated in a while so some minor details are off, but the meanings are still correct. 

- Heya A-Z

Detailed info on each sumo heya and everyone associated with it: oyakata, rikishi, gyoji, yobidashi and tokoyama, along with a picture of each. The height and weight info is taken from the sumo yearbook, and so is therefore often the most up to date info available.

- The Oyakata Gallery

A site about the elders of sumo, known as oyakata. It’s a little out of date in some places, but it’s a great explanation of how one becomes an elder, what it is they do besides running stables and the various departments they work in. 

- Sumostats

A new stats site made by Discord member "lightname". Still under active development using modern languages, you can do all the usual things like search for rikishi, heya and so on, but it also uses AI so you can ask it more abstract questions in normal language and get an answer.

- Big Sumo Fan

A shopping site selling various sumo goods, including banzuke, tegata, trading cards and various other merch, including some you can only find in the Kokugikan gift store. I’ve not bought anything from here myself, so as always buyer beware.

- Sumo Statistics (work in progress; currently not working and under construction) 

A new statistics site made by community member Hack which gives Elo ratings (a kind of skill ranking system) for every rikishi in the top two divisions since 1958 and allows you to display changes in this rank over time with graphs.