Discussion, forums and social media

- Sumo Forum


A very long running forum about all things sumo. If you have a question no one else can answer, these guys will be able to! A lot of info you probably won’t find anywhere else in English.

- r/Sumo (Grand Sumo SubReddit)


A subreddit dedicated to sumo discussion. 

- r/EverythingSumo Subreddit


An alternate sumo subreddit with different rules on acceptable content.

-r/SumoMemes Subreddit


A subreddit dedicated to sumo memes and jokes. 

- SumoSumoSumo Facebook group


This seems to be the biggest sumo Facebook group that isn’t the social media outlet for something else. 

- Grand Sumo on NHK World Japan Facebook group


The official Facebook group for the NHK World sumo coverage. They post links to their articles and videos which aren’t just the match coverage, so it’s nice if you want some other stuff to read and watch.