Stories of our bodies

Body. Each of us has it. It preserves every decision, every breath, the history of us and our ancestors.

All you have to do is relax and the body will begin its story. It will be long, because the history of our

bodies began with the earliest hours of human life on Earth, with the earliest myths and legends.

Even now, the human body is able to awaken the most diverse feelings in each of us. This happened

due to the fact that people recorded some peculiarities in each other;s behavior and life, which over

time formed many archetypes, and in particular about the female body.

There are many such images hidden in each of us: at one moment a woman can be a sad Sirin, at

another - a beautiful nymph or a warlike valkyrie. And while not everyone is aware of the impact of

these archetypes on daily life, it can be a great tool for exploring yourself and the people around you.

The series presents black and white nude photos, with which the author wanted to capture the

moment of complete sincerity, freedom and sensuality, to show the history of each of us.