Good times/bad times

MTV president Sean Atkins told TIME magazine concerning Generation Z(born from 1996 to 2012):“They have this self-awareness that systems have been broken. But they can’t be the generation that says “we’ll break it even more.”MTV calls Generation Z “The Founders” because “the name acknowledges that while millennials have disrupted society, it’s this new generation’s job to rebuild it.”

Every now and then it is said that life was better in good old times. It is supposed that people used to be kinder and closer to each other, the world was less hasty and chaotic. 

At the same time, they study history and are amazed by how many catastrophic events the planet and the humanity have been through. Wars, pandemics, revolutions, economical, and social crisis, natural disasters somehow turn out to be constantly present. And you get the feeling that humanity is nearing its end.

Oleksandra Kulikovska, a 20-year-old Ukrainian artist, a child of Gen Z, who have a harshly realistic view of the world due to 24/7 access to the Internet, researches the topic. 

Have there ever been good times?

How do you behave when historical events are unfolding before your eyes? How not to hope for quiet times and create them yourself?

People perceive the things and events they observe around them as black and white, opposites, good and bad times.

The Taoist sign of harmony is familiar to all of us and has already become mainstream and widespread in Western mass culture.

But there is a very important aspect that is often overlooked: this sign shows that no phenomenon or time is only good or bad, it always contains an element of the opposite. They smoothly flow from one to the other. And thanks to this, the spiral movement of life takes place.

The series of 6 collage works contains 2 triads, each reflecting the different aspect of bio-social being a human is, a different way the systems are built, the way the process develops, goes to the climax and eventually turns into the next phase.