Piano Art

Piano art, het verhaal   contact : olafkeus@gmail.com

Olaf Keus, leven en werk.


Olaf Keus is in 1962 geboren in Amsterdam als eerste kind van beeldhouwer Niels Keus en schilderes Dorien van der Waerden.

In zijn vroege jeugd werd hij omringd door kunst en kunstenaars. De ateliers van zijn ouders waren zijn speeltuinen en hij leerde werken met materialen als klei, hout, ijzer, zink en verf. 

Tijdens zijn jeugd had Olaf wekelijks les op de Nutsschool waar hij onderricht kreeg van Leo Schatz, een beroemde schilder die ook lesgaf op de Rietveld Academie.

Naast de kunst begon ook Olaf’s passie voor muziek op jonge leeftijd. Als percussionist/drummer kreeg hij eerst les van beroemde muzikanten als Nippy Noya en Ton Rooijers , om zich later op de Conservatoria van Amsterdam en Rotterdam te ontwikkelen tot een multi-instrumentalist. Als musicus speelt Olaf met grote namen, zowel nationaal en internationaal, en reist de hele wereld over. 

Vanaf 2012 heeft hij zich ook weer meer toegelegd op beeldende kunst. Het begon met olieverfschilderijen waarbij hij zich liet inspireren door zijn eigen dromen en door kunstenaars als Salvador Dali, Esscher en zijn grootvader Kees Keus van de COBRA-stroming. 

Vanaf 2020 legde Olaf zich toe op het creëren van wat hij ‘Piano Art’ noemt.

Bij het uit elkaar halen van de oude piano van zijn moeder werd hij gegrepen door de schoonheid van de afzonderlijke onderdelen en het vakmanschap waarmee het instrument was gemaakt. Hij zag onbegrensde mogelijkheden om nieuwe beeldhouwwerken van piano onderdelen te creëren.

Werken met delen van een instrument is werken met materiaal dat al een ziel heeft. De toetsen van een piano zijn door veel muzikanten aangeraakt, sommige goed en sommige wat minder goed, en hij kan de afdruk van hun passie, hun lijden en hun liefde voelen terwijl hij er mee werkt. Symmetrie is een belangrijk motief in de werken van Olaf.                                                      

Bij zijn eerste beeldhouwwerk was Olaf’s werkwijze intuïtief waarbij vogels en hun vleugels zijn inspiratie vormden. Het leidde tot het beeldhouwwerk dat hij “Inca Bird” noemde.Later volgden “The Piano Bird”, “The Peacock”, “Angel Wings” en “Free Bird”. Inmiddels is zijn repertoire uitgebreid met Piano Art waarin spiegels of lampen zijn verwerkt, op sokkels staande beelden en gehele piano’s die hij tot lamp of stereokabinet omvormt. 

Hij gebruikt de toetsen als penseelstreken en haalt inspiratie uit de ritmes die hij ziet en hoort in de patronen van de vormen om me heen. Net zoals een perfecte beat je laat dansen en je geest opbeurt, zo laat een mooie vorm je glimlachen en prikkelt je verbeelding.

Exposities en shows piano art

2021 Expositie bij openbare werken in in de kerk het kunstenaarsdorp Ruigoord, in Amsterdam.
                                                                                                                                            2022  Expositie in het Braziliaanse Consulaat in Amsterdam                                                                                                                                                                                            2022  Expositie van sculpturen in de galerie van Lego Lima in het Centraal Station in Amsterdam.                                                                                                                                   2022 Show tijdens het Zonnewende festival in de kerk van Ruigoord.                                                                                                                                                                      2022/2023 
Permanente expositie van wisselende beelden in pianoshowroom van Rene van Beeck op het Frederiksplein te Amsterdam.                                                                            2023 Show op Art Fair in Eindhoven.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2023 Expositie Galerie Lego Lima Centraal station Amsterdam                                                                                                                                                                                         2023 Solo Expositie Consulaat van Brazilie WTC Amsterdam 

2023 Expositie bij Openbare werken in Ruigoord in atelier van Roos in Amsterdam

2023 Expositie European Art Fair Westergas terrein Amsterdam

2023 Expositie Consulaat van Brazilie WTC Amsterdam 

2024 Expositie xxl kerk cultureel centrum Pancratius in Oosterblokker


8th Ouvirandô Festival of Brazilian Culture in The Netherlands, Vida é arte



Diverse particulieren



Piano art informação - Português


Piano Art – Olaf Keus



Olaf Keus nasceu em Amsterdã em 1962 como o primeiro filho do escultor Niels Keus e da artista plástica Dorien van der Waerden. Desde a infância, ele foi cercado por arte e artistas. Os ateliês de seus pais eram como parque de diversões onde ele aprendeu a trabalhar com diferentes materiais, como argila, madeira, ferro, zinco e tinta.


Durante sua juventude, Olaf teve aulas semanais na Nutsschool, onde foi ensinado por Leo Schatz, um famoso pintor que também lecionou na Rietveld Academy. Além da arte, a paixão de Olaf pela música também começou desde muito jovem. Como percussionista/baterista, ele primeiro recebeu aulas de músicos famosos como Nippy Noya e Ton Rooijers, tornando-se mais tarde um multi-instrumentista nos Conservatórios de Amsterdã e Roterdã. Como músico, Olaf se apresenta com grandes nomes, tanto nacionais como internacionais. No Brasil se apresentou com Ceumar, Simone Sou, Carlinhos Antunes e Nelson Latif.


Em 2012 também começou com pinturas a óleo inspiradas em seus próprios sonhos e em artistas como Salvador Dali, Esscher e seu avô Kees Keus do movimento COBRA.


No final de 2020, Olaf se dedicou a criar o que chama de 'Piano Art'. Ao desmontar um velho piano de sua mãe, ele ficou impressionado com a beleza das peças individuais e o artesanato com que o instrumento foi feito. Ele viu possibilidades ilimitadas para criar novas esculturas a partir das peças de piano. Trabalhar com partes de um instrumento é trabalhar com um material que já tem alma. As teclas de um piano foram tocadas por muitos músicos, e assim ele sente as marcas da paixão, sofrimento e amor enquanto trabalha com eles.

A simetria é um motivo importante nas obras de Olaf. Nesta nova forma de arte, Olaf esbanja originalidade.


Em sua primeira escultura, o método de trabalho de Olaf foi intuitivo, tendo como inspiração os pássaros e suas asas. Isso levou à escultura que ele chamou de “Pássaro Inca”. Mais tarde seguiram "The Piano Bird", "The Peacock", "Angel Wings" e "Free Bird".

Desde então, seu repertório foi se expandido, aonde foram incorporados em seu “Piano Art” espelhos, luminárias e outros tipos de esculturas. Pianos inteiros se transformam em luminárias ou um móvel para equipamento de som.


Exposições e shows:


·  2021“Openbare werken” na vila artística Ruigoord em Amsterdã

·  2022 Exposição coletiva no Consulado Geral do Brasil em Amsterdã

·  2022 Exposição coletiva na Galeria Lego Lima na Estação Central em Amsterdã

·  2022Show durante o “zonnewendefestival” na igreja de Ruigoord em Amsterdã

·  2022 ate agora Exposição permanente de diferentes peças no “Pianoshowroom” van Rene van Beeck em Amsterdã

·  2023 Mostra na Feira de Arte em Eindhoven.

·                2023 Exposição Galerie Lego Lima Centraal station Amsterdã  

·              2023 Exposição Solo no Consulado Geral do Brasil em Amsterdã

·              2023 Exposição na Openbare werken em Ruigoord em atelier de Roos em Amsterdã

·              2023 Mostra European Art Fair Westergas terrein Amsterdã

.            2023 Exposição coletiva no Consulado Geral do Brasil em Amsterdã

.             2024 Expositie xxl kerk cultureel centrum Pancratius in Oosterblokker



Piano art, the story - English

Olaf Keus, life and work.

Olaf Keus was born in Amsterdam in 1962 as the first child of sculptor Niels Keus and painter Dorien van der Waerden. 

In his early childhood he was surrounded by art and artists. His parents' studios were his playgrounds and he learned to work with materials such as clay, wood, iron, zinc and paint.

During his youth, Olaf had weekly lessons at the Nutsschool where he was taught by Leo Schatz, a famous painter who also taught at the Rietveld Academy.

In addition to art, Olaf's passion for music also started at a young age. As a percussionist/drummer he first received lessons from famous musicians such as Nippy Noya and Ton Rooijers, later developing into a multi-instrumentalist at the Conservatories of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. As a musician, Olaf plays with big names, both nationally and internationally, and travels all over the world.

From 2012, he again focused more on visual arts. It started with oil paintings in which he was inspired by his own dreams and by artists such as Salvador Dali, Esscher and his grandfather Kees Keus of the COBRA movement.

As of 2020, Olaf dedicated himself to creating what he calls 'Piano Art'. While taking apart his mother's old piano, he was struck by the beauty of the individual parts and the craftsmanship with which the instrument was made. 

He saw unlimited possibilities to create new sculptures from piano parts.

Working with parts of an instrument is working with material that already has a soul. 

The keys of a piano have been touched by many musicians, some well and some less well, and he can feel the imprint of their passion, their suffering and their love as he works with them.

Symmetry is an important motif in Olaf's works. In this new art form, Olaf is unique.

In his first sculptures, Olaf's working method was intuitive, with birds and their wings being his inspiration. It led to the sculpture he called “Inca Bird”. Later followed “The Piano Bird”, “The Peacock”, “Angel Wings” and “Free Bird”. 

His repertoire has since been expanded to include Piano Art in which mirrors or lamps have been incorporated, sculptures standing on pedestals and entire pianos that he transforms into lamps or stereo cabinets.

He uses the keys as the strokes of a brush and gets inspiration from the rhythms he sees and hears in the pattern of the shapes around him. Just as a perfect beat makes you dance and lifts your spirit, a beautiful form makes you smile and triggers your imagination.

Expositions and shows:


·  2021“Openbare werken” in artistic villa Ruigoord in Amsterdam

·  2022 Exposition collective in Brazilian Consulate in Amsterdam

·  2022 Exposition collective in Galeria Lego Lima in Central station of Amsterdam

·  2022 Show during “zonnewendefestival” in church from Ruigoord in Amsterdam

·  2022 till NOW  Permanent exposition of different Piano art in “Pianoshowroom” from Rene van Beeck ,Sarpatistraat 1 in Amsterdam. 

·  2023 Show Art fair Eindhoven Eindhoven.

·             2023 Exposition Galerie Lego Lima Centraal station in Amsterdam  

·             2023 Solo Exposition in Brazilian Consulate in Amsterdam

·             2023 Exposition during Openbare werken in Ruigoord in atelier de Roos in Amsterdam

·             2023 Show European Art Fair Westergas terrein Amsterdam

.             2023 Exposition collective in Brazilian Consulate in Amsterdam

.             2024 Expositie xxl Church cultureel centrum Pancratius in Oosterblokker


Piano salon table

This little table is a new kids of Art Olaf is introducing in his catalog.

price €1900,--                            picture Olaf Keus

Blue Note Reflections

This kind of 3d painting is inspired by the old Blue Note LP 's.

The mirrors are entering the black keys of the piano and organ keys.

price €1800,-                picture Olaf Keus

Lotus piano Lamp

is sold              pictures Olaf Keus

"Flower power piano Lamp"

140cm x100cm               price €4500                 pictures Olaf Keus

This great sculpture was inspired by a front piano panel I got from Piano seller Rene van Beek. It holds nearly all 88 keys of a Piano

It has a led strip around and inside to accent the contour and light part in the middle.

"The Peacock"

100cm x 75cm   is sold  picture      Kasper de Waal

Made out of a John Kushe piano. With beautifully shaped pilots of black and white piano keys and I used piano hammers from two different piano's with white and red colors.

 picture Olaf Keus


70cm x 65cm          price € 2300,--    picture Kasper de Waal

Made of piano hammers and keys, wanting to get out. With a little mirror inside, with a bended wooden frame.

picture Olaf Keus

"Angel Wings "

price €3500,--       97cm x 93cm         Picture by John Lewis Marshall

With two elegant Iron parts in the middle and surrounded by black and white piano keys. They come from a old good looking German F. Stichel Leipzig Piano from around 1920.

picture Kasper de Waal

The White Ambassador Lamp 

is sold  picture Olaf keus

"Owls Head"

price €3100       130cm x 90cm                                  pictures Olaf Keus

With two lamps as eyes of the owl

Uilen kop in Dutch


Small Piano Lamp

                                small price €450,--  picture Olaf Keus 

Can be hanging too

"Double vision piano mirror"

price €650,-          46cm x 51cm    pictures Olaf keus

The outer mirror was a present from my mother who got it from my sister, I did an other mirror behind it and surrounded it with some strong black and white keys.

 " Free bird "

Is sold      90cm x 110cm             picture Kasper de Waal

I asked for a name on face book for this piano art. 

I got...... Phianix ,Paloma Bianca, free bird, Indian bird, Soaring in the sky, Scorpion Fish, Lego draak, Alfaiata Voador, Birdman, sea devil, lion fish, totem, Rajawali, Ritmic wings, Pheonix from the sky.... once a piano , now a magical creature, circle of fiths, Abra Alas.

 it became "Free Bird"            picture Olaf keus

"Piano Butterfly"

90cm x 94cm    price € 3300,-    Picture by John Lewis Marshall

Made out of a John Kushe piano. Shaped out of beautiful black and white piano keys. I haven't

seen this form of keys anywhere else. All woodwork has been sanded and painted where necessary.

picture right up Olaf Keus,  right bottum picture Kasper de Waal

“African drum piano lamp”

92cm x 48cm   price €950,-     pictures Olaf Keus

The drum I got from the late great painter Fabrice Hund, I highlighted the engravings with a white paint and used piano keys (again;) to make a circle around the edges. And light it up!

“ 4..3..2..1.. Take off! “….

The white piano keys are launched like a rocket with the black piano keys as the flames.


65cm x 45cm  4..3..2..1..take off  is sold

picture Kasper de Waal

“ Shiva and Shakti in perfect balance “…

This painting was inspired by a dream in which I was in perfect balance and could travel around the world with the blink of an eye. When the Shiva and Shakti influx are in perfect harmony you are everything and nothing, and can be anywhere and nowhere at the same time. The painting is from a few years ago and I recently framed it with white piano keys, which to me emphasize the Shiva and Shakti influx.


60cm x 90cm       Price €850,-

picture Kasper de Waal

My first upcicled Rippen piano and the Swan's decorating the house.

picture Olaf Keus

"Inca Bird"

The photographs on the left show the Dutch Rippen piano  that started my new Piano Art adventure in the beginning of 2021. I made my first sculpture the  "Inca Bird”.  ( shown above ) I cut the swans out of the front of the piano, painted them, and placed them on the facade of our house. The hammers became the

“ Drops of inspiration ”

46cm x 116cm           is sold                   Picture Kasper de Waal

"A rain of Inspiration"

Made out of piano hammers and keys in a churchlike window frame.  Made from a Rippen piano. 

Rain of inspiration is sold.  Pictures Olaf Keus

"The Remake of a colorful rain of inspiration"

   65cm x 30cm  Price €750          picture Olaf Keus

This time with more colors and is for sale again          

"Indian Feather crown" ,

62cm x 76cm x 128cm  price €2900,-- Pictures Olaf Keus

"Indian feather crown" is big .I got the old Russian piano keys from Alain Eskinasi who got them from Theo Kley, two great artists from Ruigoord. The pedestal is made of  two halves of a fall board from the Piano.

Picture taken at my first exposition in the " church of Ruigoord.


Picture taken at my first exposition in the church of Ruigoord

Can be fitted with a led strip inside

"Jugendstil Piano Mirror "

Sweet and simpel with a Jugendstil feel.

53cm x 53cm    is sold         Picture Kasper de Waal

"Sunny Mirror"

50cm x 55cm  picture Olaf Keus

Made of piano keys I got from Paul Isme. The reflection in the mirror is from one of my paintings.

Sunny Mirror is sold

"Piano Eyelaches"

Piano keys and hammers from different piano's . 

eyelaches is sold

picture Kasper de Waal

"Skeleton Lamp"

Piano Keys with a ledstrip inside . 

Skeleton Lamp is sold to the Theemsweg studio

 pictures Olaf Keus

My latest experiment, a piano as a tv and stereo cabinet. I took the top off the F. Stichel Leipzig Piano, took out all the parts and made a shelf in it for the record player. The keys and iron parts where used for “ Angel wings ” and hammers for ” Drops ”.

These I only make on request and can be done on the location where the piano stands.

Pictures Olaf Keus

Some more pictures By John Lewis Marshall 

At the exposition in Ruigoord