Plenary talks

Rahim Moosa
University of Waterloo

Friday, June 7, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, DC 1350 

Model theory and algebraic differential equations

Model theory is a branch of mathematical logic that has, over the last 40 years or so, had many significant interactions with, and applications to, other areas of mathematics, especially algebra, geometry, and number theory. In this talk, I will try to explain what model theory has to say about algebraic differential equations, and why it has anything to say at all. In particular, I will discuss joint work with James Freitag (UIC) and Rémi Jaoui (CNRS-Lyon) from a couple of years ago which says, roughly speaking, that if any two solutions to an autonomous differential-polynomial equation are algebraically independent then in fact any number of such solutions are. 

Michele Mosca
University of Waterloo

Saturday, June 8, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, QNC 0101

Harnessing the power of quantum mechanics 

Quantum physics brings a new mathematical framework for physical theories and fundamentally changes what is possible and what is feasible when it comes to storing, processing and extracting information. For example, a quantum computer can solve certain mathematical problems with astronomically fewer computational steps than was previously thought possible, including the factorization of integers and finding discrete logarithms. This has profound implications for cybersecurity since these problems underpin the security of the public key cryptography used to protect the integrity and confidentiality of information in most of the digital systems we rely on today. The race to fix these fundamental building blocks includes the development of new mathematical algorithms for public-key cryptography as well as quantum cryptography, which leverages features of quantum information. The race to develop useful quantum computers includes finding quantum algorithms that solve useful problems, optimizing the compilation of algorithms to run on realistic quantum hardware, the design of practical quantum error correcting codes, and building robust quantum hardware. I will highlight some examples of the fundamental role mathematicians play across this spectrum of interesting and important activities.

Mary Pugh
University of Toronto

Saturday, June 8, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, MC 4021

Using Adaptive Time-Steppers to Explore Stability Domains

As a first- or second-year undergrad, you may have seen simple methods of approximating solutions to ODEs. This involved choosing a time-step, doing a calculation, advancing one step forward in time, and then repeating the process. But what determines the size of the time-step? If it's too small, your computation will take too long. If it's too large, your computation may be too crude and miss important aspects of the solution. Is it possible to somehow let the program choose the time-step size on the fly? How might this work? In this talk I'll discuss time-steppers, numerical stability, discrete dynamical systems, domains of attraction, and narwhals. Among other things, I'll present a system whose stability domain has a discontinuous boundary; a small change in a parameter can cause a jump in the time-step-size stability threshold. This talk should, I hope, be accessible to advanced undergraduates and is joint work with my former PhD student, Dave Yan. 

Ayesha Ali
University of Guelph

Sunday, June 9, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, MC 4021

Regularization for High Dimensional Structured Data

Regularization is often used for variable selection in regression models when there are several potential predictors and interest lies in identifying drivers of the response. Here, we focus on modelling complex systems that can be represented by an undirected graph and discuss novel optimization methods that involve iteratively making local node-by-node inferences to perform variable selection.  For multivariate count data, where the underlying graph is a bipartite network, each node corresponds to one of two sets of actors and edges represent their interactions.  We can move through one set of actors, node-by-node, to infer which covariates are predictive of interactions.  For multivariate Gaussian data, where the structure among the predictors is known, we can move through the predictor graph, node-by-node, to exploit its structure and infer edges with the response.  However, when the regularizing penalty function induces sparsity among the regression coefficients we must resort to proximal distance or proximal gradient methods for optimization.  We will use modelling aquatic health through macroinvertebrate compositions and modelling the gene network associated with boar taint as two motivating problems.