
We have verification, and only after you pass the verification process and get "verified", you can have access to the rest of the server. Here is a step-by-step demonstration of how people get "verified":

Step 1 - Start the Verification Process

Once you join the server, you can read the process of being verified in #welcome. To know why we verify, you can click here to go to the FAQs (it is the very first question in the FAQs), where it is answered. ↑↑↑

After reading that, you can start the Verification Process, like so:

Step 2 - Add Classes

After the student is verified by a moderator, they will have access to all the information channels. They will also be able to access #self-flair-channel, a channel in which students can “react” to messages with emojis designated for each class to be added to that class’ channel. This prevents any unnecessary clutter for the student, which makes their user experience a lot better.

<= From this...

<= To this!

As you add more classes, you’ll see that each reaction you give will give you access to a channel with the same name, as well as a general channel for that subject. As was mentioned before, this is to reduce unnecessary clutter for the students in the server. (Note: Selecting your grade will give you access to the general channels as well as a category titled “other”, which contains bonus channels.)

You're done! Welcome to the server!

After that step, you're done! enjoy your stay!