
Here are some reviews from the students in our server. As you can tell, we have have a lot of positive feedback. We are happy to help all these Leigh students have a better year by giving them a place to socialize and get help with schoolwork.

"I know I created the server and this will probably be biased, but this server is so good hjh89wqpd873[v09482nv985"

- Vaibhav S, Sophomore

"Great place to get help for HW and classes. 10/10"

- Alan Z, Sophomore

"It’s pretty love-Leigh. 5 Longhorns out of 5."

- Caden S, Sophomore

"This server is a great server and a resource I think everyone can use. Whenever I have a problem in one of my classes I go to it and everything about this server is fantastic."

- Raymond G, Sophomore

"This is a great server where I regularly help others as well as discuss many topics to gain a better understanding. 10000/10"

- Raven Keszei


- Alexander "Alex" Hall, Junior

This server is really accessible and has a lot of resources, so I can easily get help for homework and test prep. I've also made some new friends here.

- Michael K, Sophomore

"It's built really well, the structure is perfect, I just wish it was a more active server. 18/20"

- Eden T, Freshman

"There are no outstanding problems, the moderators answer questions very fast, the way the class division is set up is superb, and it is incredibly useful to me and other students. 10/10"

- Jackson C, Sophomore

"It is what it is."

- Dennis C, Sophomore

"Closest thing you get to talking with friends for getting HW help." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

- Danwanth J, Sophomore

"10/10. It's amazing. It even has a Christmas Countdown channel."

- Darren L, Sophomore

"The Leigh Discord Server is a very helpful resource for homework help and test prep."

- Andrew S, Sophomore

It gets the job done very well, and I'm able to get help on homework whenever I need it.

- Matthew K, Sophomore

"I like how the server is organized and I also like how I can get help from other students. I like the entire community in general, although I wish it was more active. 19/20"

- Sean J, Sophomore