Here are some questions we get from students:

What does being verified mean? What is verification, and why do you do it?

What we verify is that you are a Leigh Student by hovering over the username on your Gmail account. As you can see, it says over here => that the student “Vaibhav Shukla” is a student at Leigh, so he can enter the server. The mod will send an email to the student with a six digit code, and the student must relay that code back to the mod. This is to avoid fraud (claiming to be someone else). After a moderator can verify the student wanting to have access to the server, the moderator will remove a special role when, once removed, will give the student access to the flaring channel (see the step 2 and after on "Verification" tab on this website [click here to go to the tab instantly] for information about the flairing channel).

Note: In the case that you are not a student from Leigh (When hovered over, if the school says something other than leigh), we will contact the person trying to get verified and tell them to show proof that they go to Leigh. This can include something like a list of classes (a screenshot from aeries or Canvas would do). We DO NOT (and will never) ask for anything proprietary such as grades and only when we get proof that the student is a Leigh Student will we continue with the verification process.

Which grades does our server support?

Our server supports every grade at Leigh (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade). We also have grade-specific channels in our server, which means that only that grade will be able to talk in one designated channel along with the other channels they have.

How do I become a moderator/mini-moderator? When can I get mod?

Moderator applications are rarely open to avoid having too many moderators, sometimes we'll set member goals and open the applications once we reach those goals. The form will always be found the the server's "#forms-and-links" channel, regardless of whether the form is accepting responses or not.

Can I verify people through LHSAuthy on my server instead of making them join your server?

At the moment, no. This may not change as well since we want the verification process to be as secure as possible, therefore meaning that only moderators on the official LHS Discord server can verify in the official LHS Discord server. Once a student is verified here, they will automatically be verified there.

What are "Helper Tiers"?

After expanding the server to accommodate all grade levels, the mod team realized that unless the helper system was changed, only juniors and seniors would be able to be helpers. To fix this, we divided helpers into tiers for each grade level so that even freshmen could become helpers as long as they were enrolled in the highest on-level class they could take. We've compiled a list of required classes for helpers on this spreadsheet.

Do you have any affiliation to Leigh?

We are affiliated with Leigh High School and they have some oversight , although it is very limited (meaning that the school has minimal control over anything that happens to this server, however we will report anything and everything to the school if it need be, so please behave yourself and abide by all school rules and Discord Terms of Service).

Is there anything I cannot say or do on the server?

You can view the full list of rules on our server in the rules channel or on this website's "Rules" tab. Our rules are a bit more relaxed then the school rules, but we will punish more serious actions. Our rules can be found here.

What classes are in this server?

We built our server based on a list of courses we received from a guidance counselor, and we cover all 114 classes offered at Leigh. These classes range from the obvious like Math classes and English classes to some of the most obscure classes that people may not even know about. Don’t worry; we probably got your class, but if we missed any class, feel free to contact a moderator and we will add it shortly.

What is the difference of being a moderator and mini-moderator?

Moderators are given administrator permissions in the server and have their own positions, like programming leads or sophomore representatives. Mini moderators help out these leads in small tasks and are given limited, non-administrator privileges.

Any more questions?

Feel free to add your questions at http://bit.ly/unofficiallhsfeedbackform (or fill out the form right under this message, it's the same form) or DM us on Discord. We will respond to you soon.