Sacred Scripture

Old Testament

Abraham: Gn 12,1-5; 15,1-21

Moses: Ex 3,1-4; 6,2-13 Num 12, 5-8.

Joshua: Num 27, 15-23. Deut 31,7-8, 23.

Gideon: Judges 6,11-24.

Elijah: 1 Kings 19,19-21.

Samson: Judges 13,1-25.

Samuel: 1 Sam 3,1-21.

Saul: 1 Sam 9,6-10,16.

David: 1 Sam 16-17.

Isaiah: Is 6,1-8.

Jeremiah: Jr 1,4-19; 18,1-12. 20,7-11.

The Suffering Servant: Is 42,1-7; 49,1-6; 50,4-11.

Ezekiel: Ez 1-3; 24,15-27; 33,1-20.30-33.

Hosea: Hosea 1-3.

Amos: Am 7,10-17.

Jonah: Jon 1,1-2

New Testament

John the Baptist: Lk 1,5-25; Mk 1,1-13; 6,14-19; Mt 11,2-14; Jn 1,19-36; 3,22-36.

Jesus: Jn 1,1-18; Mk 1,9-15; Lk 4, 14-30; 9,28-36.

Mary: Lk 1,26-38.

Disciples: Jn 1,35-51; 6,67-69; 20,27-29; Mk 1,16-20; 8,34-38; 10,28-31; 16,14-15; Mt 4,18-22; 8,19-22; 19,27-30; 28,17-20; Lk 5,1-11; 9,23-27; 14,25-27.

Matthew: Mk 3,13-17; Mt 9,9-13; Lk 5,27-32.

The 12 Disciples: Mt 10,1-42; Mk 3,13-19; 6,7-13; Lk 6,12-19; 9,1-6.

The 72 Disciples: Lk 10,1-24.

The Rich Young Man: Lk 18,18-30; Mt 19,16-26; Mk 10,17-27.

Other Calls: Lk 9,57-62.

Matthias: Acts 1,15-26.

The 7 decons: Acts 6,1-7.

Paul: Acts 9,1-30; 22, 6-16; 26,10-18; Gal 1,12-17; 2 Co 2,14-16.

Timoteo: 1 Tim 1,12-17; 4,6-16.