Attributing the Creative Commons

This short YouTube video on Creative Commons What is it and why should you care? will provide you with examples of citing Creative Commons content as well as demonstrate search techniques via the Creative Commons search engine. 

Creative Commons - What is it and why should you care? by Mary Worrell (CC BY NC SA 3.0

Attribution is the very foundation of Creative Commons licensed material. It is important to follow the guidelines provided at but it is even more important to follow any specific instructions provided by the original creator. If they require you to give credit to a company, do so. If you cannot link to the original material, describe where you found it and why you have permission to use it as well as identify any modifications you have made. You can use the buttons or icons available at but you will need to link these images, if possible, to the license information on their site. Easy peasy and we will walk you through an example in our next lesson.

This pdf file from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries explains in further detail


Published by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation ( in partnership with Creative Commons Australia ( Find this factsheet on the ccAustralia website at