Your tax deductible donations can be made on-line using the link below, or mailed to the
Osage Education Foundation
P. O. Box 82
Osage, IA 50461
Credit Card or PayPal
When you make a gift to the Osage Education Foundation, you help change lives. You join with other families, educators, and community members in ensuring that Osage High School graduates have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and become the leaders this world needs.
Make a donation through PayPal or with a credit card, and you’ll receive a receipt and a thank you . You can also mail a gift to:
Osage Education Foundation
P.O. Box 82
Osage IA 50461
See your name on the Donor Wall!
The Foundation recognizes supporters with engraved corian tiles on the donor board near the High School gym. You’ll earn your tile when your total giving reaches one of these levels:
Platinum: $25,00 and above
Gold: $5,000 – 24,999
Silver: $2,500 – 4,999
Bronze: $1,000 – 2,499
The OEF welcomes you to dedicate your gift to a specific project or to contribute to the Foundation’s general fund. The OEF also accepts and processes donations in support of individual schools and programs.
The Osage Education Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible. Receipts complying with IRS reporting requirements will be issued at the end of each fiscal year to donors who have given $50 or more. U.S. mail or email addresses are required.
2022 Donations
Thanks to the following alumni and friends who have demonstrated their support for the Osage Community Schools during the last year through tax-deductible gifts to the Osage Education Foundation. We hope you will take pride in being a part of this mission and in knowing that your contribution does make a difference. It is our hope that you will remember the Foundation in your future giving. (Donations for scholarships are listed with scholarship information.)
Please consider honoring the memory of a deceased classmate, relative or friend with a donation to the Osage Education Foundation; or, you may donate “in honor of” anyone still living that influenced your growing up years in Osage. If you like, you may designate your gift to one of the OEF initiatives. All undesignated gifts go to the Enhancement Initiative which supplies grants to teachers each year.
Ahrens, Don & Mary Lou
Ahrens, Medlis
Anderson, Gerald
Anderson, Gordon & Johanna
Andresen, John & Joan (Clark)
Anhorn, Jack
Anhorn, Michael
Bailey, Ardie (Bistline)
Barrett, Michael
Beye, Sherman
Bighley, Sharon (Olson)
Boehmer, Laurie (Fox)
Bower, George
Brumm, Jean
Brucha, Joan (Pint)
Byrnes, James
Byrnes, Patricia
Canacari, Janan (Krogstad)
Carter, Brad
Champion, Craig
Chatman, Ben C
Christiansen, Viola
Chodur, Dan & Elyse (Bauserman)
Collette, Ruth (Robertson)
Crandall, Eleanor
Crossley, Scott
Decklever, David
Decklever, Richard
Flack, Elon & Jane (Kurtz)
Formanek, Debb
Foth, James
Foundation for Enhancement of Mitchell County,
Fox, Don & Jacque (Hungate)
Fox , Mark
Frein, Robert
Gast, Del & Karen
Gisleson, Jon & Ardi
Gisleson, William & Laurel (Niess)
Goodell, Sandra (Winterton)
Grafft, Ross & Ann
Haakenson, Lynn
Ham, Keith & Marlene (Ziegler)
Hamilton, Nancy (Fox)
Hartwig, Terry
Havig, Brad & Rae Anne (Patterson)
Havig, Lindsay
Havig , Jim & Becci (Morse)
Havig, Sarah
Hemann, Donald
Hemann, Gary & Jolene (Goodale)
Hill, Kay
Hill, Ron & Karen
Hollihan, Dan & Phyllis (Merrick)
Indra, Nick & Pam
Indra, Pete & Margie
Jennings, Ethan
Johanns, Clarence
Johnson, Maurice & Pam (Norby)
Johnson, Robert
Kark, Richard
Kisner, David
Kloberdanz, Ed & Star Ann
Kloberdanz, Monte
Knudsen, Sarah
Knudtson, Mark & Connie
Lesch, Jim & Dorothy
Lincoln, Dick
Machin, Deanna (Power)
Machin, JoAnne
Mackin, Pat & Sharon (Wall)
Markham, Ron & Kris (Swenson)
Mayer, Dave & Judy (Stibal)
Mayer, Keith & Denise
Mayer, Randy & Judy
Mayer, Roger & Carrie
McCarthy, Nancy, Mary, Joyce & Ruth
McKinley, Scott
McWilliams, Mary
McWilliams, Paul
Meirick, Ginger (Weinberger)
Milbrandt, Steve
Drangeid, Miriam (Berg)
Morse , Penney & David Miller
Muller, Larry & Nancy (Lincoln)
Newton, Terry (Helfter)
Niess, Tim & Jane (Intorf)
Orpen, Diann (Low)
Par, Stu
Pederson, Marsha
Perrin, Steve
Philipp, Janet (Krogstad)
Pint, Bonnie
Pint, John
Puettmann, Raymond
Puettmann, Ron & Karla (Kuper)
Randall, Joshua
Ratchford, Carol (Kurtz)
Rezek, Shannon (Corrigan)
Richards, Keith
Rolfes, Therese (Leinenkugel)
Ross, Kelly & Glenda
Roufs, Jeannine (Bensend)
Rovang, Mari
Ruehlow, Dar & Joyce (Larson)
Ryan, Delmer
Schmidt, Oswald
Shonrock, (Donner)
Sinclair, Doug & Lin
Skaar, Mark
Sokoloski, Cheryl & Leonard
Souder, Chuck
Stang, Eric
Sweeney, Coreen
Swenson, Ken & Mary
Taets, Scott & Stephanie (Korte)
Thompson, Geri (Schoenborn)
Twigg, John
Urbatsch, Delores
Urbatsch, Todd
Various Anonymous Donors
Werner, Jack & Carol
Williams, Robert & Mary (Steiger)
Williams, Steve & Chris
Witt, Jan
Young, James & Lauri
Young, Michael
Youngblut, Michael
Youngblut, Tom & Barb
In Memory
In Memory of Keith Allen
In Memory of Deb Baldus
In Memory of Eleanor Bower
In Memory of Sue Brandau
In Memory of Ben & Alma Chatman
In Memory of Darrell Davidson
In Memory of Robert Erdmann
In Memory of Marlene Frein
In Memory of Jeanette Gallagher
In Memory of Lynn Haakenson
In Memory of Steve Ham
In Memory of Steve Intorf
In Memory of Dorothy Krogstad
In Memory of Wade Machin
In Memory of Jill Whitcomb Marderness
In Memory of Larry McNabb
In Memory of Ramona Morse
In Memory of Mary Newhouse
In Memory of Delores Taylor Olson
In Memory of Mark Pederson
In Memory of Fred Pint
In Memory of Marian Pitzen
In Memory of Roger Poohl
In Memory of Dave Randall, Sr.
In Memory of Dorothy Tolsdorf
In Memory of Mary Anne Messerlie Twigg
In Memory of Arlys Isenberger Waite
In Memory of Lowell Wigant
Class Gifts
Class of 1964
Class of 1973
Gifts in Kind
Home Trust & Savings Bank
Kwik Star
Osage Community Schools
Smart Pharmacy
Ben & Amy Johnson
Paul Demro
Melanie Gast
Brent Jennings
Matching Gifts
John Deere
New York Life
2022 On The Run for Education Sponsors
Coopers Auto
Craig Eisenman Insurance
First Citizens
Pinicon Prairie
Home Trust
Havig Farms, Inc.
Johnson Oil
Milkhouse Candle Co.
Tax deductible donations to the OEF can be made online by going to the OEF website, or checks can be mailed to the Osage Education Foundation -
P.O. Box 82 - Osage, IA 50461