Special Events


The “ Beautiful Yard of the Month”

This contest provides awards to neighbors and club members with beautiful yards.  We do this for the months of June through September each year.  Four private homes are selected for each of those months.  If you know of someone's yard that could be nominated please contact Nancy.

Please call Nancy Vogel Chairperson 262-844-9215 if you have any “Yard of the Month” nominees!


Art contests are held through the 5th District competition and at the State Convention.


Operation Smile:

This project is sponsored by GFWC to correct children’s facial birth defects in third world countries. One of our club members has traveled to fourteen 3rd world countries in support of this project. At this time, we are supporting them with donations that are being used to build hospitals in these countries. 

For more information, please contact Helen Hertneky – 262-567-4812