The OCLC CJK Users Group has proudly sponsored the following webinars. The recordings and/or presentation slides are available for you to view at your convenience.

CJK Searching [Presented by Martin Heijdra on March 17th, 2014]

Recording | Presentation slides

Using Macros in Connexion for CJK Materials: Advanced Session [Presented by Erica Chang and Joel Hahn on Nov. 28th 2012.]

Recording | Presentation slides: Part 1 and Part 2.

Using Macros in Connexion for CJK Materials: Basic Session [Presented by Hideyuki Morimoto and Charlene Chou on Oct. 31st, 2012.]

Recording | Presentation slides: Part 1 and Part 2

Cataloging Chinese Materials [Presented by Charlene Chou.]

Presentation slides

Searching LC/NACO Authority File in Connexion

Presentation slides and other related materials

Handling Catalog Records Originating in Japan [Presented by Keiko Suzuki.]

Webinar recording

Links to Other Webinars

OCLC: http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/websessions/recorded.htm

LC: http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/results.php?mode=s&cat=45