Nox Urbum

(City of Night)

The 'Man in the Hat' is a universal archetype.

The  'City of Night' is manifest from the forgotten and discarded shared unconsciousness of humanity's darkest desires. 

Sometimes Derelict, sometimes sinister, always dangerous.

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 01

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 02

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 03

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 04

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 05

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 06

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 07

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 08

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 09

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 10

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 11

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 12

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 13

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 14

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 15

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 16

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 17

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 18

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 19

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 20

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 21

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 22

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 23

Man in the Hat -

City of Night 24

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