

What I create amounts to another speck of dust on the winds of time, but on rare occasions, I will open the curtains a crack to let a light refract through some of my gathered detritus.’ - TA2023


The spirit of fantasy flows through TA’s veins - whether it erupts through beckoning hobgoblins from sub lunar countries, techno-squid from outer-space or dancing tones of abstract intelligence, his art is mesmerising and electrifying nature - Dr Anna-Sophie Jürgens (Lecturer in Popular Entertainment Studies and Science in Fiction Studies, Australian National University)


TA is an artist in his own right. The term ‘artist’ is not definitive and encapsulates unlimited mediums. TA recently discovered ‘his’ medium of AI to realise his life long dream of creating Tarot cards. He is a master of specific words and complex language, deeply creative in his mind’s eye, losing himself in countless hours of word-smithing to influence the AI to generate his visions with impeccable depth and detail. TA worked tirelessly, with determination, to achieve the aesthetic he envisioned and it is no surprise to me that he has brought to life such magnificent decks of Tarot - in turn realising TA …The Artist!  - Sabina Foster  (Graphic Designer and Creative)