Romani Deos I

(Roman Gods I)

Romani Deos (2024) are images representing Classical Roman deities.

Quirinus I

God of the Roman state.

Member of the Archaic Triad

Ceres I

Goddess of agriculture, fertility, grains, the harvest, motherhood, the earth, and cultivated crops.

Member of the Dii Consentes

Vesta I

Goddess of the hearth, home, family, bakers, bread, and donkeys.

Venus I

Goddess of love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory.

Member of Dii Consentes

Bellona I

Goddess of War, Destruction, Conquest, and Bloodlust.

Juno I

Queen of the Gods, Goddess of marriage and childbirth.

Member of the Capitoline Triad and the Dii Consentes

Liber I

God of wine-making, wine, male fertility, freedom. 

Member of the Aventine Triad

Minerva I

Goddess of poetry, medicine, commerce, weaving, the crafts, and wisdom.

Member of the Capitoline Triad and the Dii Consentes

Vulcan I

God of fire, metalworking, and the forge.

Member of the Dii Consentes

Apollo I

God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, light, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young.

Member of the Twelve Olympians and the Dii Consentes

Jupiter I

King of the Gods, God of the sky and diurnal thunder.

Member of the Archaic Triad, Capitoline Triad and the Dii Consentes

Diana I

Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, fertility, and the Moon.

Member of the Dii Consentes

Neptune I

God of the Sea.

Member of the Dii Consentes

Mercury I

God of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, merchants, thieves.

Member of the Dii Consentes

Mars I

God of war, guardian of agriculture and the Roman people.

Member of the Dii Consentes

Orcos I

GGod of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths.

 Member of the Di selecti

Culturae Numina (2024) are sets of images representing deities from various cultures.

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