Resources for Teachers

YouTube - Safe Sharing with Students

YouTube is an excellent resource when it comes to sharing video content with our students. However, YouTube contains some content that is not age appropriate for our students, or can unintentionally lead to that dreaded "rabbit hole time suck" where students watch the one video you sent them and then it leads to unintended hours on YouTube. How might we still utilize this vast resource, but in a way that is safe and focused for our learners?

Google Slides Video Insert

PDF Converter to Make Item Editable

Have you found yourself ever wanting to edit a PDF, but not sure how to or do not have a paid website to use? Often, we as teachers have worksheets that are in PDF format that we want to share with our students; however, many times we want to edit these PDFs to fit our current learning objectives and our class material. PDF to PPT Converter gives you the ability to edit your PDFs quickly and easily.


  1. Open Converter.

  2. Either drag and drop the PDF you would like to convert, or upload the document.

  3. Once it is done converting, click download.

  4. Locate the downloaded Power Point (converted PDF file) in your download file and open it.

  5. From here, you can edit the PDF, save it, print it, or share with your students.