Reading Fun for All

Book Spine Poetry

What is book spine poetry? Its a type of poetry created by piling books and reading their titles as if they were a poem. For National Poetry Month, why don't you give it a try? Email me at with a photo if you'd like to share your poetry!

Host a Book Club!

Do you love to read books? Here's an idea...start an online book club with your friends! It may be hard to read the same book right now with libraries closed. But what if you chose a weekly theme? April is National Poetry Month. So each reader could research poets/poetry and bring a favorite poem each week. You could also choose an author and each reader read a different book by that author. When you meet, discuss what you like about the author's style and share whether or not you'd recommend the book you're reading. Another option...choose a genre (category). Everyone could read a historical fiction book. Or everyone read a biography. The options are endless! And if you'd like to be in a book club with me, send me an email and I'll see if other students near your age/grade are interested as well. We could have our own "online book club" too! Happy reading!