3rd-5th Grade

Choices, Choices, Choices!

3-5th Grade Library Choice Board

You don't have to be bored any longer! Click the link above to find some awesome choices of activities.

Shark Lady by Jess Keating

This is a great new book we recently added to our library! Its right at a fourth grade reading level and will interest many of our OGES readers.

Here are a few questions you might want to consider after listening to the read aloud:

Research Questions

  1. Where are the Palau Islands?

  2. What is zoology?

  3. What types of sharks are in the Red Sea?

Story Questions

  1. When others thought sharks were scary, how did Eugenie feel about them?

2. Do sharks have to keep moving to stay alive?

3. Can sharks be trained much like we train dogs?

4. How small is the smallest shark? How big is the largest?

5. Did your feelings about sharks change after listening to this biography, or stay the same? Why?