
Invited Talks (International)

[18] N. Yoshioka, First workshop on many-body quantum magic, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2024.11)

      "Fast computation of magic monotones"

[17] N. Yoshioka, Beijing-Tokyo-Xi’an Joint Workshop on Quantum Matters, Xian, China (2024.10)


[16] N. Yoshioka, QUEST2024, Fukuoka, Japan (2024.09.10)

      "Transition from NISQ to early FTQC"

[15] N. Yoshioka, RIKEN-LBNL workshop, California, US (2024.09.06)

      "Early Fault-tolerant Quantum Computation"

[14] N. Yoshioka, TTQM 2024, Fribourg, Switzerland (2024.06.18)

      "Early Fault-tolerant quantum computation in practice"

[13] N. Yoshioka, APS March Meeting, Minneapolis, US (2024.03.04)

      "What is optimal way to mitigate/suppress quantum errors?"

[12] N. Yoshioka, IBM Quantum Summit 2023, New York, US (2023.12.04).

      "Laying The Groundwork for Quantum-Powered Use Cases" (Joint presentation)

[11] N. Yoshioka, Computational Approaches to Quantum Many-body systems, Omiya, Japan (2023.10.20).

      "Quantum advantage in condensed matter physics"

[10] N. Yoshioka, CCP2023, Kobe, Japan (2023.08.06).

      "Hunting for quantum-classical crossover in condensed matter problems"

[9] N. Yoshioka, Asia Pacific QIC Technical Exchange, Online, (2023.04.27).

      "Estimating and unblocking path towards quantum advantage"

[8] N. Yoshioka, IBM Quantum Summit 2022, New York, US (2022.11).

      "A No-Nonsense Path to Quantum Advantage" (Joint presentation with IBM Quantum)

[7] N. Yoshioka, Rigorous statistical mechanics and related topics, Kyoto, Japan (2022.11).

        "Neural-net representation of quantum many-body states"

[6] N. Yoshioka, Variational Learning for Quantum Matter, Lausanne, Switzerland (2022.07).

        "Variational Representations in Noisy Quantum States"

[5] N. Yoshioka, Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning, Online meeting (2021.11).

        "Advancing Classical and Quantum Variational Algorithms for Many-body Problems"

[4] N. Yoshioka, Recent progress in theoretical physics based on quantum information theory, Kyoto University, Japan (2021.03).

        "Advancing variational algorithms for quantum many-body problems"

[3] N. Yoshioka, Machine learning for Quantum Simulation, Flatiron Institute, New York, US (Zoom) (2020.6).

        "Solving dissipative many-body system by neural quantum states"

[2] N. Yoshioka, Mini-Workshop on Quantum Optimization, Kanagawa, Japan (2020.3).

        “Neural Networks in Open Quantum System” (workshop cancelled)

[1] N. Yoshioka, 5th Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Liyang, China (2019.6).

        “Approximate and exact representation of physical states by neural networks”

Invited Talks (Domestic)

[11] 吉岡信行, 物性研究のための量子アルゴリズム最前線, 大阪, 日本 (2023.03).


[10] 吉岡信行, 日本物理学会 2023年春季大会, 一般シンポジウム講演, オンライン (2023.03). 


[9] 吉岡信行, 第2回量子ソフトウェアワークショップ, 東京, 日本 (2023.01).


[8] N. Yoshioka, Stat&QuantPhys Autumn School 2022, オンライン (2022.09).

      "How to Encode Quantum Many-body Physics into Neural Networks" (Lecture in english)

[7] 吉岡信行, 第9回統計物理学懇談会, オンライン (2022.03).


[6] 吉岡信行, 第3回冷却原子研究会「アトムの会」, オンライン (2021.08).

[5] 吉岡信行, 第35回人工知能学会全国大会, オンライン (2021.06).


[4] 吉岡信行, 理論研究会「量子多体系の相形成とダイナミクス」, Zoom (2021.4).


[3] 吉岡信行, 76th Annual meeting of Japanese Physical Society, Japan (Zoom) (2021.03).

        "Progress and prospects for theoretical studies of physical states using neural networks"

[2] 吉岡信行, Frontiers of Quantum Computational Science, UTokyo, Japan (Zoom) (2020.07).

        "Neural Networks as Quantum Many-body Solver" (開放量子多体系ソルバとしての機械学習関数)

[1] 吉岡信行, Young Scientist Award Speech for Japanese Physical Society, Nagoya, Japan (2020.3).

        (Theoretical study on the classification and description of physical states by means of neural networks)


[21] 吉岡信行, QIIセミナー, Zoom webinar (2023.04.25).


[20] 吉岡信行, QPARC, Zoom webinar (2022.12).

      "Hunting for quantum-classical crossover in condensed matter problems"

[19] 吉岡信行, 第25回 Beyond AIセミナー, Zoom webinar (2022.04).

[18] 吉岡信行, Q-LEAP 量子AIセミナー, Zoom webinar (2021.07).


[17] N. Yoshioka, Online CMT Seminar, Zoom webinar (2021.07).


[16] N. Yoshioka, ipi seminar, University of Tokyo, Zoom webinar (2021.05).

      "Encoding many-body quantum physics into neural networks"

[15] N. Yoshioka, 第27回関西量子情報Student Chapter, Zoom Webinar (2020.12).

       "量子状態の機械学習" (Machine Learning Quantum States)

[14] N. Yoshioka, Deep learning and Physics 2020, Zoom webinar (2020.07).


[13] N. Yoshioka, Yagami Statistical Physics Seminar, Zoom webinar (2020.07) .

        "Quantum Many-body Simulation by Neural Networks"

[12] N. Yoshioka, Sagawa group informal seminar, Zoom webinar (2020.06).

        "Neural Networks for Open Quantum Many-body Systems"

[11] N. Yoshioka, Quantum Computational Materials Science Roundtable, Zoom webinar (2020.06).

        "Quantum and Classical Variational Algorithms for Many-body Problems" (量子多体系のための変分アルゴリズム)

[10] N. Yoshioka, ASRC Seminar, JAEA, Ibaraki, Japan (2019.11.17)


[9] N.Yoshioka, Informal Seminar, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (2019.9.19)

"Designing neural networks for representation of many-body spin systems"

[8] N. Yoshioka,  Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory Seminar, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan (2019.7.22) 

"Designing neural networks for stationary states in open quantum many-body systems"

[7] N. Yoshioka, 『Graph Neural Networkの最前線』,Tokyo, Japan (2019.6.11) 


[6] N.Yoshioka, TQM seminar, OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2019.4.17) [Abstract]

"Representation of Quantum Many-body Systems by Neural Networks"

[5] N. Yoshioka, MIT seminar, University of Tokyo, Japan (2018.12). [Abstract]

“Transforming Generalized Ising Model into Boltzmann Machine”

[4] N. Yoshioka, Condensed Matter Seminar, Tsukuba University, Ibaraki, Japan (2018.6). [Abstract]

“Machine Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”

[3] N. Yoshioka, Seminar in Solid State Physics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (2018.2). [Abstract]

“Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”

[2] N. Yoshioka, Hadron Physics Group Seminar, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (2017.12). 

        “Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”

[1] N. Yoshioka, Informal Condensed Matter Seminar, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2017.11).

“Machine Learning Crash Course for Condensed Matter Physicists”

Oral Presentation (International)

[12] T. Yada, N. Yoshioka, T. Sagawa, Quantum Information Entropy in Physics, Kyoto, Japan (2022.03).
      "Quantum Fluctuation Theorem under Continuous Measurement and Feedback" 

[11] N. Yoshioka, H. Hakoshima, Y. Matsuzaki, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Suzuki, S. Endo, APS March meeting 2022, online, US (2022.03).
        "Framework of Generalized Quantum Subspace Expansion Method"

[10] N. Yoshioka, W. Mizukami, and F. Nori, Pacifichem 2021, online, US (2021.12).
        "Simulating quasiparticle band spectra of real solids by neural-network quantum states"

[9] N. Yoshioka, W. Mizukami, and F. Nori, Conference on Computational Physics (CCP) 2021, online, UK (2021.08).

        "Encoding solid-state electronic structures in neural-network quantum states"

[8] N. Yoshioka and Y. O. Nakagawa, K. Mitarai, and K. Fujii, APS March Meeting, Denver, US (2020.3).

        "Variational Quantum Algorithm for Markovian Open Quantum Systems"

[7] N. Yoshioka and R. Hamazaki, APS March Meeting, Denver, US (2020.3).

        "Designing neural networks for stationary states in open quantum many-body systems "

[6] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, StatPhys27, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2019.7). [Abstract]

        “Transforming Generalized Ising Model into Boltzmann Machine”

[5] Y. Akagi, N. Yoshioka, and H. Katsura, APS March Meeting, Boston, US (2019.3).

        “Detection of Phase Transitions in Quantum Spin Chains via Unsupervised Machine Learning”

[4] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, Machine Learning for Quantum Many-body Physics, Dresden, Germany (2018.6).

 “Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”

[3] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, APS March Meeting, Los Angels, US (2018.3).

“Machine Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”

[2] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2017 (NQS2017), Kyoto, Japan (2017.10).

“Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”

[1] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, Machine Learning and Many-Body Physics, Beiijng, China (2017.7).

“Machine learning phases of disordered topological superconductors”

Poster Presentation (International)

[11] N. Yoshioka and R. Hamazaki, Deep Learning And Physics 2019, Kyoto, Japan (2019.10).

        "Constructing neural stationary states for open quantum many-body systems"

[10] N. Yoshioka, R. Hamazaki, Engineering Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems, Dresden, Germany (2019.6).

        "Constructing neural stationary states for open quantum many-body systems”

[9] N. Yoshioka, Y. O. Nakagawa, K. Mitarai, K. Fujii, TQC 2019 + NISQ, Maryland, US (2019.6).

        "dVQE: dissipative-system Variational Quantum Eigensolver"

[8] N. Yoshioka and R. Hamazaki, FCES19, Tokyo, Japan (2019.5).

"Constructing neural stationary states for open quantum many-body systems”

[7] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, At the Crossroad of Physics and Machine Learning, Santa Barbara, US (2019.2).

“Transforming Generalized Ising Model into Boltzmann Machine”

[6] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, Machine Learning for Quantum Many-body Physics, Dresden, Germany (2018.6).

“Cluster updating classical spin systems by equivalent Boltzmann machines”

[5] N. Yoshioka, Y. Akagi, and H. Katsura, FOR1807 Winter School on Numerical Methods for Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems, Marburg, Germany (2018.2).

“Learning Disordered Topological Phases by Statistical Recovery of Symmetry”

[4] N. Yoshioka and M. Sigrist, International Conference on Topological Materials Science 2017 (TopoMat 2017), Tokyo, Japan (2017.5).

“Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Nodal Chiral Superconductors”

[3] N. Yoshioka and M. Sigrist, 15th Condensed Matter Days of the French Physical Society, Bordeaux, France (2016.8).

“Nodal Effects on Thermal Hall Conductance in Chiral Superconductors”

[2] N. Yoshioka, T. Ideue, T. Kurumaji, and H. Katsura, Asia-Pacific Workshop (APW)-CEMS Joint Workshop, Tokyo, Japan (2016.1).

“Anomalous phonon Hall effect in polar ferrimagnets”

[1] N. Yoshioka, H. Matsuura, and M. Ogata, International Workshop on Dirac Electrons in Solids 2015, Tokyo, Japan (2015.1).

“Dirac cones in Hofstadter butterfly”



[2] 吉岡信行, Frontiers of Quantum Computational Science, 東京大学物性研究所, Zoom (2020.07).


[1] 吉岡信行, 日本物理学会第75回年次大会 若手奨励賞受賞講演, 名古屋, 日本 (2020.3).


口頭発表 (国内)

[12] 前蔵遼、鈴木泰成、吉岡信行、徳永裕己、第6回量子ソフトウェア研究会, zoom (2022.07).


[11] 大倉 康寛、遠藤 傑、吉岡 信行、第6回量子ソフトウェア研究会 (2022.07)

        "Generalized quantum subspace expansion utilizing hardware-control imperfection"

[10] 前蔵遼、鈴木泰成、吉岡信行、徳永裕己、量子情報技術研究会, zoom (2022.05).


[9] I. Hamamura, H. Horii Hiroshi, T. Imamichi, J. Doi, N. Yoshioka, S. Seelam, T. Sagawa, A. Mezzacapo, 第5回量子ソフトウェア研究会、zoom (2022.03).

        "Parallel grouping algorithm for a large set of Pauli operators"

[8] 吉岡信行、箱嶋秀昭、松崎雄一郎、徳永祐己、鈴木泰成、遠藤傑、第4回量子ソフトウェア研究会、zoom (2021.10).
        「Generalized Quantum Subspace Expansion Method for Error Mitigation」

[7] 赤城裕、吉岡信行、桂法称、日本物理学会第74回年次大会(2019年)、福岡 (2019.3)。


[6] 吉岡信行、赤城裕、桂法称、日本物理学会2018年秋季大会、奈良 (2018.9)。


[5] 吉岡信行、赤城裕、桂法称、日本物理学会2017年秋季大会、岩手 (2017.9)。


[4] 吉岡信行、赤城裕、桂法称、日本物理学会2017年秋季大会、岩手 (2017.9)。


[3] 吉岡信行、Manfred Sigrist、日本物理学会2016年秋季大会、金沢 (2016.9)。


[2] 吉岡信行、松浦弘康、小形正男、日本物理学会2015年秋季大会、大阪 (2015.9)。

「Hofstadter’s butterfly中のmassless Dirac fermionとfree fermion」

[1] 吉岡信行、第60回物性若手夏の学校分科会、岐阜 (2015.8)。

「Hofstadter’s butterflyとその性質」

ポスター発表 (国内)

[4] 吉岡信行、濱崎立資、第13回物性科学領域横断研究会、東京(2019.11)。

        「ニューラルネットワークによる量子開放系の定常状態の表現 」

[3] 吉岡信行、赤城裕、桂法称、第11回物性科学領域横断研究会、千葉 (2017.11)。


[2] 吉岡信行、井手上敏也、車地崇、桂法称、新学術領域研究「トポロジーが紡ぐ物質科学のフロンティア」第1回領域研究会、東京 (2015.12)。


[1] 海老原周*、吉岡信行*、関口文哉、松永隆佑、島野亮、第6回低温センター研究交流会、東京 (2015.1)。


(*These authors contributed equally to this work)