About me


Hi! I'm Nobuyuki Yoshioka, or Nobu.

Feel free to contact me via e-mail : ny.nobuyoshioka_at_gmail.com.

Also, you may visit my office, Room 203 in 6th Building, Faculty of Engineering in Hongo campus of  University of Tokyo.

Academic Career


Ph.D. thesis: "Classification and Representation of Physical States by Neural Networks"

I have been working on <ML | cond-mat> under my supervisor Prof. Dr. Hosho Katsura.

Master’s Thesis: “Theoretical Study of Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Superconductors".

We proposed a new method of distinguishing the symmetry of Cooper pairs in time-reversal symmetry broken superconductors. Collaborative work with Prof. Dr. Manfred Sigrist during my exchange study at ETH Zurich.


Declined fellowships